vscode设置中文 界面_vscode英文版怎么切换中文

vscode设置中文 界面_vscode英文版怎么切换中文Documentation for Visual Studio CodeIntro Videos – Begin your journey with VS Code through these introductory videos.

Documentation for Visual Studio Code

Intro Videos – Begin your journey with VS Code through these introductory videos.

Setup – Install VS Code for your platform and configure the tool set for your development needs.

User Interface – Introduction to the basic UI, commands, and features of the VS Code editor.

Settings – Customize VS Code for how you like to work.

Languages – Learn about VS Code’s support for your favorite programming languages.

Node.js – This tutorial gets you quickly running and debugging a Node.js web app.

Tips and Tricks – Jump right in with Tips and Tricks to become a VS Code power user.

Azure – VS Code is great for deploying your web applications to the cloud.

Extension API – Learn how to write a VS Code extension.

Why VS Code? – Read about the design philosophy and architecture of VS Code.


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