
plunged翻译_plunged翻译成中文plunged用作动词 (v.) plunge about in (v.+adv.+prep.)

plunged   用作动词 (v.) plunge about in (v.+adv.+prep.) 在…中颠簸thrust its bows into sth   plunge about in sth   The little boat plunged about in the storm.   小船在暴风雨中颠簸得很厉害。 plunge down to (v.+adv.+prep.) 猛然掉到…上 drop sth to sth suddenly   plunge down to sth   The rope broke, and the elevator plunged down to the ground.   缆绳断了,电梯猛然掉到地面上。 plunge into (v.+prep.) 突然陷入或呈现出suddenly assume or cause sb/sth to assume a particular mood, condition, state, etc.   plunge sb/sth into sth   The maid plunged the cloth into the pail and cleaned the floor.   那个侍女把拖把放进桶里浸湿,用来擦地。 plunge into sth   The elephant plunged into the forest.   大象猛地冲入森林。   The firemen plunged into the burning building.   消防队员们冲进正在燃烧的大楼。   The children plunged into the pool for a swim.   孩子们跳进池塘里游泳。   He plunged into the cold water to save the boy without hesitation.   他毫不犹豫地跳入冰冷的水中去救孩子。   The soldiers plunged into action although they had just marched 20 miles.   士兵们刚跑完二十英里的路程,便立刻投入了战斗。   The whole district plunged into darkness because of a sudden power cut.   突然停电把整个地区投入一片黑暗之中。   Because of the economic depression the company plunged deeper into debt.   由于经济萧条,这家公司已债台高筑。   They do not readily plunge into battle with such powerful forces.   他们无意与这样的劲旅交战。   Don’t be too keen to plunge into argument with him; he’s an experienced speaker.   不必急于同他争辩,他是个讲话老练的人。 plunge sb/oneself/sth into sth   He plunged himself into work upon his arrival.   他一到就投入工作。   A power failure plunged the whole house into sudden darkness.   停电了,整个房子突然陷入一片漆黑之中。   He was plunged into despair by the terrible news.   这个可怕的消息使他突然陷于绝望之中。


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