
grazyn翻译_grazing翻译grazing是什么意思_grazing用英语怎么说_grazing的翻译_grazing翻译成_grazing的中文意思_grazing怎么读,grazing的读音,grazing的用法,grazing的例句全部放牧牧场草场吃草擦破He had nearly a t

grazing是什么意思_grazing用英语怎么说_grazing的翻译_grazing翻译成_grazing的中文意思_grazing怎么读,grazing的读音,grazing的用法,grazing的例句   全部放牧牧场草场吃草擦破   He had nearly a thousand acres of grazing and arable land.
grazyn翻译_grazing翻译   他有将近1,000公顷的草场和耕地。   柯林斯高阶英语词典   Shrinking grazing areas and a lack of investment in fodder trees may thwart a sustainable revival.
grazyn翻译_grazing翻译   放牧面积的不断缩小以及缺乏对饲料树木的投资,可能会阻碍骆驼的持续复苏.   期刊摘选   Controlling livestock grazing density and implementing environmental restoration are important measures for soil andconservation in Iceland.
grazyn翻译_grazing翻译   控制放牧密度和开展环境修复是冰岛最主要的水土保持措施.   期刊摘选   There are several first calf, a dozen different coat color of Yanger grazing in leisurely stroll.
grazyn翻译_grazing翻译   有几头小牛犊, 十几只毛色各异的羊儿在悠闲地漫步吃草.   期刊摘选   The plant community dynamic change of Potentilla fruticosa shrubs under grazing and enclosure were studied.
grazyn翻译_grazing翻译   对放牧和封育条件下金露梅灌丛群落动态变化进行了研究.   期刊摘选   Cattle were grazing on the meadow.
grazyn翻译_grazing翻译   牛在牧场上吃草.   辞典例句   And that starts with a good map the to mark fences, water supplies and grazing areas.
grazyn翻译_grazing翻译   以一张好的图纸来标记栅栏 、 水系统和放牧范围.   期刊摘选   Cows were grazing in the field.
grazyn翻译_grazing翻译   牛在野外吃草.   《现代汉英综合大词典》   There we saw herds of cows grazing on the pasture.
grazyn翻译_grazing翻译   我们在那里看到一群群的牛在草地上吃草.   《用法词典》   Courts have barred camels from grasen grazing in national poxparks.
grazyn翻译_grazing翻译   法庭禁止在国家公园放养骆驼.   期刊摘选   Experts say rotational grazing can save money over time, it also requires planting planning.
grazyn翻译_grazing翻译   专家说,随着时间的推移,草场“轮休”可以省钱, 但是这需要制定一个计划.   期刊摘选   The goats are grazing quietly on the mountain slope.
grazyn翻译_grazing翻译   山羊正在山坡上静静地吃草.   期刊摘选   How to withdraw from grazing land?
grazyn翻译_grazing翻译   怎么退出牧场?   期刊摘选   The sun was shining and cattle were grazing in the field.
grazyn翻译_grazing翻译   阳光在明晃晃地照耀着,牛在地里吃着草.   期刊摘选   And that starts with a good map to mark fences, water supplies and grazing areas.
grazyn翻译_grazing翻译   这要从在一张好的地图上标出栅栏 、 水源、和牧草面积.   期刊摘选   The cattle are grazing in the field.
grazyn翻译_grazing翻译   牛群在田野上吃草.   《简明英汉词典》   Horses are grazing in the pasture.
grazyn翻译_grazing翻译   马儿正在牧场上吃草.   《简明英汉词典》   Pots Courts have barred camels from grazing in national parks.
grazyn翻译_grazing翻译   法院也禁止在国家公园饲养骆驼.   期刊摘选   Cattle are grazing on the pasture.
grazyn翻译_grazing翻译   有牛在草场上吃草.   期刊摘选   After grazing at the display for several minutes, Mr. Taylor went back into his shop.
grazyn翻译_grazing翻译   泰勒先生凝神欣赏了几分钟后走进了他的商店.   期刊摘选   We’re grazing the sheep in the next field.
grazyn翻译_grazing翻译   我们正在旁边一块地里放羊.   《简明英汉词典》   There were cows grazing beside the river.
grazyn翻译_grazing翻译   有些牛在河边吃草。   《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》   Cows were grazing on the marshes.
grazyn翻译_grazing翻译   牛群在湿地上吃草。   《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》   Scientists have found the bones of a hoofed grazing animal about the size of a small horse.
grazyn翻译_grazing翻译   科学家们已经发现了一种约有马驹般大小的有蹄草食性动物的骨骼。   柯林斯例句   He had nearly a thousand acres of grazing and arable land.
grazyn翻译_grazing翻译   他有将近1,000公顷的草场和耕地。   柯林斯例句   I counted 34 wild goats grazing.
grazyn翻译_grazing翻译   我数了数,有34只野山羊在啃草。   柯林斯例句   He will need more grazing land and perhaps La Prade could lease him a few acres.
grazyn翻译_grazing翻译   他将需要更多牧场,也许拉普拉德可以租几英亩地给他。   柯林斯例句


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