
spirited造句_用unusual造句简单spirituallyThis is the spiritual mound, the spiritual finger.这是心灵之丘 心灵之指I mean, I’m I’m not saying it was spirit

spiritually   This is the spiritual mound, the spiritual finger.   这是心灵之丘 心灵之指   I mean, I’m I’m not saying it was spiritual, but it was kind of spiritual.   我不是说这是精神层面的 但感觉就像是那种   For over 200 years, negro spirituals have chronicled the spiritual, political, and physical resistance of black people in this hemisphere.   两百多年来 黑人灵歌记录了 西半球的黑人们在精神 *和身体上 坚韧不屈的抗争历程   It’s not that I don’t have a spiritual side.   我并不是说我没有精神生活   She’s on the phone with her spiritual advisor.   她在和她的精神导师打电话   I kind of…spiritually, I wanted to do it.   大概 精神上我想要这么做   I’m here to end your spiritual warfare.   我是来终结你的属灵争战的   The very land here has spiritual qualities.   这片特殊的土地有其精神内质   …spiritual explanations for that which you cannot explain.   你无法解释之事就寻求精神方面的解释…   Not just spiritually, but it was our community.   不仅仅是精神上的指引 还是我们族人间的羁绊


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