TB-U1《英语文献综述读写教程》课后习题.docVIP PAGE PAGE 18 Unit 1: Culture Section I. Teaching suggestions 1. Teaching and learning objectives In this unit, the teacher should help students reach the following goals: Raise awareness of the advantages of using reading strategies. Learn to apply effective reading strategies such as SQ3R (thorough reading), skimming& scanning (fast reading) to English reading. Reach a consensus about the nature of plagiarism and how to avoid it. Learn and practice paraphrasing and summarizing. 2. A sample teaching plan This unit may take 4 class periods (45 minutes each) to finish: Section A and B each takes 2 class periods. A1. Reading skills focus—30 minutes 1) Lead-in activity: group discussion & class presentation Ask students to reflect on their reading experience and talk about reading strategies that work for them, and briefly present their ideas in class. 2) Introduce the SQ3R method. Finish Task 1, A1.1. 3) Ask students to read A1.2 and compare skimming and scanning. Finish Task 2, A1.2. A2.1. Text 1—around 60 minutes Focus on Text 1 in class; practice the S Q3R method. Leave Text 2 for self-learning. 1) Lead-in activity: group discussion How much do we know about our brain? Watch part of a Discovery program—The Brain: Our Universe Within-Evolution. Learn some basic vocabulary to talk about the brain. Answer questions after watching the video (see ppt: A2.1. Text 1. Lead-in activity: video). A complete version of the video is available at: /u98/v_NTU4Mzg0NjM.html ). 2) Pre-reading activity: Survey & Question Introduce the topic—cultural neuroscience. Ask students to survey the text before a detailed reading; do Task 1, A2.1. Form questions about the text, share within a group of 3 or 4, and discuss possible answers to those questions. 3) Reading activity (1): Reading for comprehension Let students read the text in detail, and try applying methods of the stage “Read”. Finish Task 2, A2.1, to check comprehension. 4) Reading activity (2): Language diffic
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