beef steak怎么读音_beef读音

beef steak怎么读音_beef读音beefsteakbeefsteak的意思、解释  复数形式:beefsteaks;beefsteak 基本解释名词牛排beefsteak 网络解释1. 牛排:他们常吃的肉食是牛排(beefsteak)和猪排(pork chop),一块牛排的重量一般在150克以上,看上去往往是半生不熟的,

beefsteak   beefsteak的意思、解释     复数形式:beefsteaks;   beefsteak 基本解释   名词牛排beefsteak 网络解释   1. 牛排:他们常吃的肉食是牛排(beefsteak)和猪排(pork chop),一块牛排的重量一般在150克以上,看上去往往是半生不熟的,难以嚼碎,但美国人却以此视为珍馐(dainty).   2. 焗威灵顿牛排:台塑牛排 Beefsteak | 焗威灵顿牛排 Beefsteak | 奶油培根蛋汁面 Cream Bacon And Egg Sauce Noodle   3. 台塑牛排:纽西兰特选沙朗 Speial Sirloin | 台塑牛排 Beefsteak | 焗威灵顿牛排 Beefsteak   4. 牛扒:西红柿____tomato_ | 牛扒__beefsteak | 冰激淋_ice ream__beefsteak 双语例句   1. Mrs Bird:My husband like beefsteak, but he don’t like chook.   伯德夫人:我丈夫喜欢牛排,但他不喜欢鸡。   2. beefsteak什么意思   2. Beefsteak, porter steak, beef steak   牛排用英语怎么说?   3. Here you can still enjoy Chinese and Western buffet in the fresh morning, taste tea in the vernal afternoon and regale special beefsteak in the charming night.   在这里,您还可以在晨光中享用中西自助餐,在和熙的午后,品尝下午茶,在摇曳烛光中享用特色牛排。   4. You buy a beefsteak and transfer it from the butcher’s icebox to your own.   你买了一块牛排,把它从屠夫的冰箱里移到了你自己的。   5. beefsteak是什么意思   5. If their cross-border love is like a beautiful fairy tale, unusual and romantic, their subsequent marriage life is a real world, where there are constant conflicts between the civilisation of the Mediterranean and that of the Yellow River, between reason and passion, bread and rice, smelly cheese and strong-smelling bean curd, beefsteak and pig`s feet.   如果说新郎新娘的异国恋象一个美丽的童话,既神奇又浪漫;那么随之而来的跨国婚姻生活却是一个童话外的现实世界。在这个世界里,地中海文化和黄河文化、理性和人情、面包和米饭、臭奶酪和臭豆腐、牛排和猪蹄势不两立并展开了一场场旷日持久的拉锯战。   6. Your shop has a good reputation, but the dishes are just so-so: the beefsteak is too hard to eat, the vegetables are over done, the dessert has a mouldy odour   第一个问题是:虽然我们预定了位子,但还是被挤到了饭店后面紧挨着卫生间的一张小桌子上。   7. beefsteak的解释   7. Also known in English as perilla, beefsteak plant, chinese basil, purple mint.   也称为在英语作为紫苏,牛排厂,中国罗勒,薄荷紫色。   8. Stick your fork in the beefsteak to see if it is cooked.   用叉子扎进牛排,看是否熟了。   9. You buy a beefsteak and transfer it from t h e butc h er’s icebox to your own.   你买了一块牛排,把它从屠夫的冰箱里移到了你自己的。   10.   10. By the middle of the 19th century people in Hamburg, Germany, the busiest port in West Germany today, enjoyed pounded beefsteak in some form.   直至19世纪中叶住在德国汉堡,这个今日德国最为繁忙的港口的人们,喜欢把牛排捣碎成一定形状。   11. You can see them happily puffing between delicious courses of grilled beefsteak, rich cheeses, gallons of red wine.   你可见法国人在吃着一道道美味烤牛排,油腻的奶酪,喝着一加仑一加仑的红酒时快活地吞云吐雾。   12. G:The Grilled Beefsteak?   铁板牛排?   13. beefsteak什么意思   13. I would like to order a beefsteak and some bread.   我要牛排和面包。   14. I would like my beefsteak well done.   我想要熟点的牛排。   15.   15. How would you like to have beefsteak, well-done or rare?   你喜欢的牛排是熟一些还是生的?   16. beefsteak是什么意思   16. B: I will take the beefsteak.   我就点这个牛排吧。   17. And ate a beefsteak and a big apple pie.   吃了一块牛排和一个大大的苹果派。   18. To sell horse meat as beefsteak is their usual practice.   挂羊头卖狗肉是他们的惯技。   19. beefsteak在线翻译   19. We have special beefsteak, chicken and fish.   我们有特制牛排、鸡肉和鱼。   20. What is the special food of restaurant? We have special beefsteak, chicken and fish.   这家餐厅的招牌菜是什么?我们有特制牛排、鸡肉和鱼。beefsteak 词典解释   1. 同 steak   Beefsteak is steak .beefsteak 单语例句   1. With such tasty options as the aforementioned beefsteak and steamed fish, there is no real reason to waste valuable stomach space.   2. One of their bestsellers among foreigners is Beefsteak Toasted in the Iron Net.   3. If you are looking for a delicious meal to cook for that special someone, cooking a beefsteak is a good choice.   4. Otherwise you can just ask a waitress to cook your beefsteak or seafood.   5. The restaurant’s braised superior beefsteak with Asian sauce is soft and flavorful. beefsteak 英英释义   beefsteak的翻译   noun   1. a beef steak usually cooked by broiling


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