
spring是什么意思呀_下赛道spin啥意思galvanizeBassam is galvanizing the students and the liberals.巴萨姆的事鼓动着学生和自由主义者们You’re popular, inspirational, a

galvanize   Bassam is galvanizing the students and the liberals.   巴萨姆的事鼓动着学生和自由主义者们   You’re popular, inspirational, and you have the power to galvanize the people.   您备受尊敬 鼓舞人心 还有强大的民众号召力   They galvanized us for the good of the state over individual interests.   他们教化了我们 把国家利益置于个人利益至上   ..I experienced an unusual degree of postmortem galvanic response.   我碰到了不寻常的死后电击反应 那头动了   All right, and then, we’re gonna patch in a new piece of galvanized pipe.   然后我们要补上 一根新的镀锌管   I’m giving you an opportunity to step in front of the camera for once, to be the story, to galvanize and to inspire.   我这是给你一个机会 出现在镜头前 成为焦点 激励鼓舞大家   The gas pipes are made of galvanized steel, and the house is only a few years old.   这个燃气管道材料是锌镀铁 房子也是几年前新建的   We can spin this any number of ways to galvanize your base and solidify female support.   我们可以化害为利 以此*你的根基 巩固女性支持   we started galvanizing people’s enthusia*, it started looking like he might win.   我们激发了民众的热情 形势看起来他可能会赢   Honestly, men are so afraid of the female vagina, we should be, like, galvanizing and using this tactic to literally win wars.   讲真 男人真的很怕女性小妹妹 我们应该抖擞精神 用这种战术去赢得战争


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