括号的英文英语怎么说_小括号 英语

括号的英文英语怎么说_小括号 英语括号1. 所有译文都应用括号括起来。All translated words should be enclosed in brackets.《牛津词典》2. 不规则形式标注在括号内。Irregular forms are given in parentheses.《牛津词典》3. 这里的这个

括号   1. 所有译文都应用括号括起来。All translated words should be enclosed in brackets.   《牛津词典》2. 不规则形式标注在括号内。Irregular forms are given in parentheses.   《牛津词典》3. 这里的这个方括号,同时,说明这个是特殊的变量类型,里面有很多复合的值。The square brackets here, meanwhile, say this is a special type of variable that’s got multiple values inside of it.   例句4. 有一些愚蠢的语法,像花括号和分号,一开始是有点烦人的,因为你必须记住所有的这些要放到哪里。There is some stupid syntax, like curly braces and semicolons, that initially is kind of annoying because you have to remember where all this goes.   例句5. 在大括号内,可以包含任何公式。Within the braces, you can include any formula.   dict.cn6. 方括号()表明这是一个数组。The brackets () indicate an array.   www.ibm.com7. 对于函数调用,必须提供圆括号。As with a function call, you must supply parentheses.   www.ibm.com8. 谓词放在方括号 [和 ] 中。Predicates are placed with square brackets, [ and ].   www.ibm.com9. 括号的多少反映着幸福和快乐的水平。The number of brackets reflects the level of happiness and joy.   article.yeeyan.org10. 自动完成大括号、圆括号和缩进。Auto-complete of brackets, parentheses, and indentation.   www.ibm.com11. 所以我们不需要那个花括号。So we don’t need the curly braces.   v.163.com12. 方括号将素在逻辑上分组。The square brackets group the element logically.   www.ibm.com13. 圆括号是用来传函数的,输入或参数的。The parentheses to pass in inputs or arguments to functions.   v.163.com14. 此外,使用括号表示参数。Additionally, parentheses are used for parameters.   www.ibm.com15. 方括号([和 ])中的是可选参数。The square brackets ([ and ]) enclose optional parameters.   www.ibm.com16. 方括号表示数字索引数组。Square brackets denote a numerically indexed array.   www.ibm.com17. 方括号中的信息已经更改。The information in square brackets has changed.   article.yeeyan.org18. 对象数组包含在方括号中。An array of objects is contained within square brackets .   www.ibm.com19. 但是那些括号事出有因。But those parentheses are there for a reason.   article.yeeyan.org20. 第二对括号调用函数。The second set of parentheses calls the function.   www.ibm.com21. 该列表被括在括号里。The list is enclosed in parentheses.   www.ibm.com22. 花括号表示对象,方括号表示数组。Curly braces indicate an object, and brackets indicate an array.   www.ibm.com23. 字符串的左括号都有相应的右括号。Every left parenthesis in a string is matched by a right parenthesis.   www.ibm.com24. 找出嵌入最深的那对括号。Find the deepest nested pair of parentheses.   www.ibm.com25. 在这儿加上括号。I put a bracket around here.   open.163.com26. 除去冗余括号。Remove redundant parentheses.   www.ibm.com27. 大卫:花括号。David: The curly braces.   v.163.com28. 所以在周三,我只加入了左括号,右括号。So on Wednesday I just put open parenthesis, closed parenthesis.   v.163.com29. 圆括号用作分组操作符。Parentheses are used as a grouping operator.   www.ibm.com


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