
sprinkle翻译_species中文前肢1. 一种判断的方法是测量它们前肢的骨头。One way to tell is by measuring the bones of their forelimbs.youdao2. 他与这个蝎尾怪

前肢   1. 一种判断的方法是测量它们前肢的骨头。One way to tell is by measuring the bones of their forelimbs.   youdao2. 他与这个蝎尾怪兽扭打着,不让它螳螂般的前肢夹住他。He grapples with the manticore, keeping its mantis forelimbs from locking onto him.   youdao3. 始祖鸟并没有表现出明显的滑翔机的特征,比如有一层连接前肢和后肢的宽膜。Archaeopteryx shows no obvious features of gliders, such as a broad membrane connecting forelimbs and hind limbs.   youdao4. 也许其中一些祖鸟会爬树,但是没有令人信服的分析证明始祖鸟是如何用它的前肢既爬又飞的。Perhaps some of them could climb trees, but no convincing analysis has demonstrated how Archaeopteryx would have both climbed and flown with its forelimbs.   youdao5. 翼龙的每个前肢都有一根长长的第四指,支撑着像翅膀一样的膜。In pterosaurs a greatly elongated fourth finger of each forelimb supported a wing-like membrane.   youdao6. 即使是前肢发育不全的羽毛也能扩大手臂的表面积,以略微提高升力。Even rudimentary feathers on forelimbs could have expanded the arm’s surface area to enhance lift slightly.   youdao7. 我注意到他后肢向右偏的方式,从不与前肢在一条线上,却始终有理想的节奏。I noticed the way his hindquarters shifted over to the right, never in line with the front, yet always in perfect rhythm.   youdao8. 肌肉发达,前肢直,肘部和密切。Forelegs straight and muscular with elbows close.   youdao9. 翅膀是由前肢为适应飞行需要演变而来的。Wings are adaptation of the front limbs for flight.   youdao10. 医生说问题在于它的前肢上,不过它不会死的。The doctor said the problem lied in its forelimb and it would not die.   youdao11. 从脑部到脊椎控制动物前肢的神经细胞源开始演化。The source of the nerve cells that power the animals’ forelimbs shifted, from the brain to the spinal cord.   youdao12. 前肢,上肢动物前部的附肢,如前腿、前翅、前鳍等。An anterior appendage, such as a leg, wing, or flipper.   youdao13. 后脚:类似的前肢,但更小,而且更广泛,但具有相同的特点。Hind feet: Similar to forefeet, though slightly smaller and broader, but with the same characteristics.   youdao14. 正是因为袋鼠前肢很短而后肢又很长,所以它们才能跳得又快又远。So, because they have short forelimbs and long hindlimbs, they can jump easily, quickly and for long distances.   youdao15. 袋鼠用后脚起跳,用前肢和尾巴着地,然后用他们的后肢推动再次跳起。Taking off on their hind feet, landing on their fore limbs and tail, pushing off again with their hind limbs.   youdao16. 对龙翼的描述基本上有两种-一对连接在脊椎上的第三肢,或者是蹼状的前肢。Dragon wings are usually depicted in one of two ways-a third pair of limbs connected to the backbone, or webbed forearms.   youdao17. 他写道,“雌性还是前趴后腿站立,雄性则可以轻易地将前肢放在她宽大骨盆的一边。”Again, with the female squatting in the front while standing on her hind legs, the male could easily rest his forelimbs on one side of her broad pelvis.   youdao18. 从侧面观察,步幅大,前肢的伸展非常顺畅而平滑,使背线保持水平和稳固。Viewed from the side, the reasonably long, ?reaching? stride is smooth and even, keeping the back line firm and level.   youdao19. 他狂奔起来,试图寻找脱身机会,但是又一只毒狼扑来,用强有力的前肢抓住了他的脚踝。He sprints, trying to escape, but one of the viperwolves grabs him by the ankle with its powerful fore-hand.   youdao20. 这种转变包括从用前肢划水到身体波动再到尾巴摆动,就像现代鲸鱼的水平尾鳍。This transition to living in the sea involved changes from paddling with limbs to undulating the body to oscillating a tail, such as the horizontal tail flukes in modern whale species.   youdao21. 尔后,前肢进化成可以上下拍动的翅膀,于是它们又从滑翔者转型成为真正的飞行家。Only later might their arms have evolved into wings they could push up and down, transforming them from gliders to true powered fliers.   youdao22. 传统的观点:不少科学家认为,人类是从用前肢握拳支撑身体行进的祖先进化而来的。Traditional view: Many scientists believe that man evolved from ancestors who walked with their knuckles-dragging. A new study has contested this theory.   youdao23. 自动冲洗的马桶,脚控龙头和看起来很奇怪的装置能够让你用前肢的应用压力来开门。There are automatic-flushing lavatories, foot-operated taps and strange-looking devices that enable you to open door-handles by applying pressure with the forearm.   youdao24. 我注意到它后肢向右偏的方式,总不会和前肢在一条线上,却始终保持着理想的奔跑节奏。I noticed the way his hind quarters shifted over to the right, never in line with the front, yet always in perfect rhythm.   youdao25. 当狗以慢速小跑,面对裁判走来时,可以观察到前肢很直,足爪在地面的落点非常靠近。When the dog is moved at a slow trot towards an observer, its straight front legs track comparatively close together at the ground.   youdao26. 很多长有羽毛的恐龙因为没有翅膀,或相对于长毛的前肢来说身体过于沉重,因此也无法飞行。Many feathered dinosaurs did not have wings or were too heavy, relative to the length of their feathered limbs, to fly.   youdao27. 一些研究者认为羽毛恐龙是从零开始进化出飞行能力的,它们在奔跑中会拍动自己带羽毛的前肢。Some scientists argue that feathered dinosaurs evolved flight from the ground up, flapping their feathered arms as they ran.   youdao


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