无轨电车 / Trolleybus(第一部分:概述、名称、历史、系统构成) – 辽观搬运的中英文维基百科词条 中文词条原文链接(无法从中国内地访问):请这里访问英文词条原文链接(无法从中国内地访问):请这里访问本文基于英文词条的线索,并补充部分来自中文词条的内容(在二者冲突时,以更晚更新者为准)。辽观搬运时进行了必要的合规化处理,以使其能够在中国内地上传。 关于辽观的维基百科搬运计划,及其他已搬运的词条,请这里访问。 维基百科(Wikipedia)是美国维基媒体基金会的互联网百科项目,其内容可能受到立场、信息来源等因素影响,请客观看待。正文内容不代表译者观点。 辽观提供的翻译仅供参考。文中可能包含无法从中国内地访问的链接。辽观所搬运的词条文本与维基百科一道同样遵循CC-BY-SA 4.0协议,在符合协议要求的情况下您可以免费使用其内容(包括商用)。图片和视频可能遵循不同的共享协议。本文涉及的共享协议封面图片:图片题注:Solaris trolleybus in Landskrona, Sweden 参考译文:瑞典兰斯科罗纳的Solaris无轨电车图片作者:w:sv:User:Dat95car(Carl-Johan Aberger) 此图片属于公共领域维基百科的消歧义提示:此条目介绍的是主要由架空接触网供电并在道路上行驶的无轨电车。关于仅凭车载电池等电源供电并在道路上行驶的电动客车,请见“电动公共汽车”。关于由架空接触网供电并在轨道上行驶的轨道交通轻型小编组车辆,请见“有轨电车”。 0. 概述[1] A trolleybus (also known as trolley bus, trolley coach, trackless trolley, trackless tram – in the 1910s and 1920s[1] – or trolley[2][3]) is an electric bus that draws power from dual overhead wires (generally suspended from roadside posts) using spring-loaded trolley poles. Two wires, and two trolley poles, are required to complete the electrical circuit. This differs from a tram or streetcar, which normally uses the track as the return path, needing only one wire and one pole (or pantograph). They are also distinct from other kinds of electric buses, which usually rely on batteries. Power is most commonly supplied as 600-volt direct current, but there are exceptions. 【参考译文】无轨电车是一种电动的客车,通过弹簧加载的电车杆从双架空电线(通常悬挂在路边柱子上)动力。完成电路需要两根电线和两个电车杆。这与使用轨道作为回路的有轨电车或街车不同,只需要一根电线和一个杆(或受电弓)。它们也与其他类型的电动巴士有所不同,其他客车通常依赖电池。电力供应通常是600伏直流电,但也有例外。 无轨电车(trolleybus)是一种通常由架空接触网供电、电动机驱动,不依赖固定轨道行驶的道路公共交通工具[参1][参2][参3][参4]。而在有些国家或地区(如日本[参5][参6]),无轨电车则属于轨道交通的范畴。[原创研究?]正因无轨电车兼具道路汽车和轨道交通二者的优缺点,使得其成为当代备受争议的一种交通工具。 无轨电车的车身和底盘一般与普通巴士相同,但车顶需要安装一对受电杆,用于从接触网的一对触线受电并形成电流通路。一般地,无轨电车的受电杆脱线则会失去动力;而装备有动力蓄电池、超级电容器或柴油发电机的双动源无轨电车,则可在没有架空接触网的路段实现离线行驶。[参4] Currently, around 300 trolleybus systems are in operation, in cities and towns in 43 countries.[4] Altogether, more than 800 trolleybus systems have existed, but not more than about 400 concurrently.[5] 【参考译文】目前,大约有300个电车系统在43个国家的城市和城镇中运行。[4] 总共,已经有超过800个电车系统存在过,但同时存在的不超过约400个。[5]比利时根特的无轨电车视频https://www.zhihu.com/video/视频题注:Video of a trolleybus in Ghent, Belgium参考译文:比利时根特的无轨电车视频视频作者:Vitaly Volkov/Волков Виталий Сергеевич此视频遵循CC BY-SA 2.5协议 1. 名称 在中国,无轨电车引入初期,曾根据英语trolleybus的发音被音译作拖铃巴士,音译词不再使用后与有轨电车被统称为电车。1980年代后,无轨电车与公共汽车合称为公共电(汽)车或公共汽(电)车。[2]现代又多由于受电杆形似大辫子而被戏称为辫子车。在日本,无轨电车在法律法规上被称作无轨条电车(無軌条電車/むきじょうでんしゃ Mukijōdensha)[3];而一般情况多以英语trolleybus的片假名转写为トロリーバス tororībasu [4]表示。德语中,传统上将无轨电车称作Oberleitungsbus,词中的Oberleitungs指的是架空接触网供电。 2. 历史 | History 维基百科的官方提示:This section needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources in this section. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.(May 2010) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)【参考译文】本节需要添加引文以供验证。请帮助改进本文,将引文添加到本节的可靠来源中。未引用的材料可能会受到质疑并删除。(2010年5月)(了解如何和何时删除此模板消息) 2.1 起源和发展[1]
此图片属于公共领域图片题注:1882年德国柏林的世界首辆无轨电车这里访问原图链接 1882年4月29日至6月13日,德国发明家维尔纳·冯·西门子在柏林市郊公开展示了他发明的世界首辆无轨电车。其后,有关无轨电车的实验研究在欧洲和美国都有进行。1901年7月10日,世界首个载客的无轨电车系统在德国开通运营。虽然该系统仅运营到1904年,但其使用的由两条架空平行接触线和一对靠弹簧支撑的受电杆组成的装置,奠定了现代无轨电车电流授受系统的基础。 The trolleybus dates back to 29 April 1882, when Dr. Ernst Werner Siemens demonstrated his “Elektromote” in a Berlin suburb.[7] This experiment continued until 13 June 1882, after which there were few developments in Europe, although separate experiments were conducted in the United States.[8] In 1899, another vehicle which could run either on or off rails was demonstrated in Berlin.[9] The next development was when Louis Lombard-Gérin operated an experimental line at the Paris Exhibition of 1900 after four years of trials, with a circular route around Lake Daumesnil that carried passengers. Routes followed in six places including Eberswalde and Fontainebleau.[10]Max Schiemann on 10 July 1901 opened the world’s fourth passenger-carrying trolleybus system, which operated at Bielatal (Biela Valley, near Dresden), Germany. Schiemann built and operated the Bielatal system, and is credited with developing the under-running trolley current collection system, with two horizontally parallel overhead wires and rigid trolleypoles spring-loaded to hold them up to the wires. Although this system operated only until 1904, Schiemann had developed what is now the standard trolleybus current collection system. In the early days there were many other methods of current collection.[8] The Cédès-Stoll (Mercédès-Électrique-Stoll) system was first operated near Dresden between 1902 and 1904, and 18 systems followed. The Lloyd-Köhler or Bremen system was tried out in Bremen with 5 further installations, and the Cantono Frigerio system was used in Italy. 【参考译文】无轨电车的历史可以追溯到1882年4月29日,当时Ernst Werner Siemens博士在柏林的一个郊区展示了他的“Elektromote”。[7]这项实验一直持续到1882年6月13日,之后在欧洲几乎没有什么发展,尽管美国进行了单独的实验。[8] 1899年,另一辆可以在轨道上或轨道外运行的车辆在柏林被展示。[9]接下来的一次发展是Louis Lombard-Gérin在巴黎博览会上进行了四年的试验后,于1900年开通了一条环绕Damesville湖的环形路线,运送乘客。这条路线在六个地方包括Eberswalde和Fontainebleau都有经过。[10] Max Schiemann于1901年7月10日开通了世界上第四个载客无轨电车系统,该系统在德国的Bielatal(靠近德累斯顿的Biela Valley)运营。Schiemann建造并运营了Bielatal系统,并因其开发了现在的无轨电车电流收集系统而受到赞誉,该系统使用两根水平平行的架空电线和刚性的弹簧加载的电车杆将其保持在电线上。尽管该系统只运营到1904年,但Schiemann已经开发出了现在的标准无轨电车电流收集系统。在早期,还有许多其他方法用于电流收集。[8] Cédès-Stoll(Mercédès-Électrique-Stoll)系统最初在德累斯顿附近运营,从1902年到1904年,随后有18个系统跟进。Lloyd-Köhler或Bremen系统在不来梅进行试验,并有5个进一步的安装,Cantono Frigerio系统则在意大利使用。
此图片属于公共领域图片题注:1901年德国的无轨电车 Throughout this period, trackless freight systems and electric canal boats were also built. 【参考译文】在这期间,还建造了无轨货运系统和电动运河船。
此图片遵循CC BY-SA 2.0协议图片题注:A double-deck trolleybus in Reading, England, 1966参考译文:双层有轨电车在英国雷丁,1966年图片作者:Alan Murray-Rust Leeds and Bradford became the first cities to put trolleybuses into service in Great Britain, on 20 June 1911.[9] Supposedly, though it was opened on 20 June, the public was not admitted to the Bradford route until the 24th. Bradford was also the last city to operate trolleybuses in the UK; the system closed on 26 March 1972. The last rear-entrance trolleybus in service in Britain was also in Bradford and is now owned by the Bradford Trolleybus Association. Birmingham was the first UK city to replace a tram route with trolleybuses, while Wolverhampton, under the direction of Charles Owen Silvers, became world-famous for its trolleybus designs.[11] There were 50 trolleybus systems in the UK, London’s being the largest. By the time trolleybuses arrived in Britain in 1911, the Schiemann system was well established and was the most common, although the Cédès-Stoll (Mercédès-Électrique-Stoll) system was tried in West Ham (in 1912) and in Keighley (in 1913).[12][13] 【参考译文】1911年6月20日,利兹和布拉德福德成为英国首批投入无轨电车服务的城市。[9] 尽管于6月20日开通,但公众直到24日才被允许进入布拉德福德路线。布拉德福德也是英国最后一个运营无轨电车的城市;该系统于1972年3月26日关闭。英国最后一辆后门无轨电车也在布拉德福德,现由布拉德福德无轨电车协会拥有。伯明翰是英国第一个用无轨电车取代有轨电车路线的城市,而伍尔弗汉普顿在查尔斯·欧文·西尔弗斯的指导下,因其无轨电车设计而闻名于世。[11] 英国共有50个无轨电车系统,其中伦敦的无轨电车系统最大。当无轨电车于1911年抵达英国时,Schiemann系统已经建立并成为最常见的系统,尽管Cédès-Stoll(Mercédès-Électrique-Stoll)系统曾在西哈姆(1912年)和基斯利(1913年)尝试过。[12][13] Smaller trackless trolley systems were built in the US early as well. The first non-experimental system was a seasonal municipal line installed near Nantasket Beach in 1904; the first year-round commercial line was built to open a hilly property to development just outside Los Angeles in 1910. The trackless trolley was often seen as an interim step, leading to streetcars. In the US, some systems subscribed to the all-four concept of using buses, trolleybuses, streetcars (trams, trolleys), and rapid transit subway and/or elevated lines (metros), as appropriate, for routes ranging from the lightly used to the heaviest trunk line. Buses and trolleybuses in particular were seen as entry systems that could later be upgraded to rail as appropriate. In a similar fashion, many cities in Britain originally viewed trolleybus routes as extensions to tram (streetcar) routes where the cost of constructing or restoring track could not be justified at the time, though this attitude changed markedly (to viewing them as outright replacements for tram routes) in the years after 1918.[14] Trackless trolleys were the dominant form of new post-World War I electric traction, with extensive systems in among others, Los Angeles, Chicago, Rhode Island, and Atlanta; Boston, San Francisco, and Philadelphia still maintain an “all-four” fleet. Some trolleybus lines in the United States (and in Britain, as noted above) came into existence when a trolley or tram route did not have sufficient ridership to warrant track maintenance or reconstruction. In a similar manner, a proposed tram scheme in Leeds, United Kingdom, was changed to a trolleybus scheme to cut costs.[15]【参考译文】较小的无轨电车系统也很早就在美国建成了。第一个非实验性系统是1904年在南塔凯特海滩附近安装的季节性市政线路;1910年,第一条全年营业的商业线路建成,将洛杉矶郊外的一处丘陵地带开放开发。无轨电车通常被视为通往有轨电车的过渡步骤。在美国,一些系统赞同使用公共汽车、无轨电车、有轨电车(有轨电车、无轨车)以及快速交通地铁和/或高架线(地铁)这四种概念,适用于从轻度使用到最重干线的路线。公共汽车和无轨电车尤其被视为入口系统,以后可以酌情升级为铁路。以类似的方式,英国的许多城市最初将无轨电车路线视为有轨电车(有轨电车)路线的延伸,当时建造或修复轨道的成本是不合理的,尽管这种态度在1918年后的几年里发生了显著变化(将其视为有轨电车路线的彻底替代品)。[14]无轨电车是第一次世界大战后新型电力牵引的主要形式,在洛杉矶、芝加哥、罗德岛和亚特兰大等地拥有广泛的系统;波士顿、旧金山和费城仍然保持着“四强”舰队。美国(以及英国,如上所述)的一些无轨电车线路是在无轨电车或有轨电车线路没有足够的乘客量来保证轨道维护或重建时出现的。以类似的方式,英国利兹的一个拟议电车计划被改为无轨电车计划,以降低成本。[15] 中国在二十世纪初引入无轨电车,1914年11月,由英商上海电车公司开辟了由郑家木桥至老闸桥的14路无轨电车,成为大中华区最早的无轨电车线路[参7]。二十世纪三十年代,无轨电车在世界范围上得到了广泛应用,英国制造了双层无轨电车。四十年代,意大利生产了铰接式无轨电车。五十年代中期,世界上约有500个城市拥有无轨电车。六十年代,随着汽车的普及和燃油公共汽车进入竞争的发展,无轨电车与有轨电车在西欧部分国家及北美洲国家逐渐减少。七十年代初,由于能源短缺和汽车公害造成的严重社会问题,无轨电车重新受到部分国家和地区的重视。[参8] 2.2 全球现状[1] 在经历了发展的高潮和曲折之后,时至今日,世界上有40多个国家使用无轨电车,300多个系统仍在运营。其中,拥有无轨电车最多的三个城市分别为俄罗斯的莫斯科、圣彼得堡和白俄罗斯的明斯克,这三个城市均为前苏联国家的城市。西欧则以瑞士拥有无轨电车的城市最多。中国仍有10个城市拥有无轨电车,此外还有部分煤矿(如泰安肥城杨庄矿区、太原杜儿坪矿区)使用无轨电车担当职工通勤。[参9]
此图片遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议图片题注:MU ZiU-9 in Soviet Union, 1987参考译文:1987年在苏联的木兹-9图片作者:Expert777 Trolleybuses are uncommon today in North America, but their use is widespread in Europe and Russia. They remain common in many countries which were part of the Soviet Union.[16] Generally trolleybuses occupy a position in usage between street railways (trams) and motorbuses. Worldwide, around 300 cities or metropolitan areas on 5 continents are served by trolleybuses (further detail under Use and preservation, below). 【参考译文】今天,无轨电车在北美并不常见,但在欧洲和俄罗斯使用广泛。在许多前苏联国家,无轨电车仍然很常见。[16]通常,无轨电车在街道铁路(有轨电车)和公共汽车之间占据一席之地。全球5大洲约有300个城市或大都市区有无轨电车服务(更多细节见下文“使用和保护”)。
此图片遵循CC BY-SA 3.0协议图片题注:A trolleybus in Qingdao, China参考译文:中国青岛的一辆无轨电车图片作者:Li Chao This mode of transport operates in large cities, such as Belgrade, Lyon, Pyongyang, São Paulo, Seattle, Sofia, St. Petersburg, and Zurich, as well as in smaller ones such as Dayton, Gdynia, Lausanne, Limoges, Modena, and Salzburg. As of 2020, Kyiv has, due to its history in the former Soviet Union, the largest trolleybus system in the world in terms of route length while another formerly Soviet city, Minsk, has the largest system in terms of number of routes (which also date back to the Soviet era).[17] Landskrona has the smallest system in terms of route length, while Mariánské Lázně is the smallest city to be served by trolleybuses. Opened in 1914, Shanghai’s trolleybus system is the oldest operating system in the world. With a length of 86 km, route #52 of Crimean Trolleybus is the longest trolleybus line in the world. See also Trolleybus usage by country. 【参考译文】这种交通方式在贝尔格莱德、里昂、平壤、圣保罗、西雅图、索菲亚、圣彼得堡和苏黎世等大城市以及代顿、格丁尼亚、洛桑、利摩日、摩德纳和萨尔茨堡等小城市运营。截至2020年,基辅由于其历史与前苏联有关,就路线长度而言,拥有世界上最大的无轨电车系统;而另一个前苏联城市明斯克就路线数量而言拥有世界上最大的系统(也可追溯到苏联时代)。[17]兰斯克罗纳就路线长度而言拥有最短的无轨电车系统,而玛丽安斯基·拉兹涅则是无轨电车服务的最小城市。上海的无轨电车系统于1914年开通,是世界上运营时间最长的系统。克里米亚电车路线52号长86公里,是世界上最长的无轨电车线路。参见“各国无轨电车使用情况”。
此图片遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议图片题注:行驶在北京安定门附近的快速公交3号线的青年 JNP6183BEV 型无轨电车图片作者:N509FZ Transit authorities in some cities have reduced or discontinued the use of trolleybuses in recent years, while others, wanting to add or expand use of zero-emission vehicles in an urban environment, have opened new systems or are planning new systems. For example, new systems opened in Lecce, Italy, in 2012; in Malatya, Turkey, in 2015;[18] and in Marrakesh, Morocco, in 2017.[19] Beijing and Shanghai have been expanding their respective systems, with Beijing expanding to a 31-line system operated with a fleet of over 1,250 trolleybuses.[20] Trolleybuses have been long encouraged in North Korea with the newest city to have a network being Manpo in December 2019.[21] Since the year 2022, the city of Prague is constructing a new trolleybus system.[22] Meanwhile, in 2023, plans for a trolleybus line in Berlin were scrapped in favour of a solution with battery powered vehicles.[23] 【参考译文】近年来,一些城市的交通部门减少或停止使用无轨电车,而其他城市则希望在城市环境中增加或扩大零排放车辆的使用,这些城市要么开放了新系统,要么正在计划新系统。例如,意大利莱切在2012年、土耳其马拉蒂亚在2015年以及摩洛哥马拉喀什在2017年开放了新系统。[18][19]北京和上海一直在扩建各自的系统,北京的无轨电车系统已经扩大到拥有31条线路和1250多辆无轨电车的车队。[20]朝鲜长期鼓励使用无轨电车,2019年12月,朝鲜最年轻的城市万波开通了无轨电车网络。[21]自2022年起,布拉格市正在建设新的无轨电车系统。[22]同时,2023年,柏林的无轨电车线路计划被取消,转而采用电池驱动的车辆方案。[23]
此图片遵循CC BY-SA 3.0协议图片题注:爱沙尼亚塔林的Solaris Trollino 18AC型无轨电车图片作者:Heini91
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此图片系上图的图片题注(截图)图片作者:Li Chao 3. 系统构成 3.1 车辆 | Vehicle design 图片题注:Схематичное изображение троллейбуса.(无轨电车的示意图。)1. 架空接触线 2. 路线侧牌 3. 后视镜 4. 远光灯 5. 车前门(一般为上客门) 6. 后轮 7. 车中、后门 8. 前轮 9. 侧边装饰 10 .卷绳器(又名绳箱)11. 拉索 12. 受电头(内有触靴)13. 受电杆 14. 杆钩 15. 顶置电控或空调 16. 车辆自编号图片作者:ru:Участник:Владимир Рар 无轨电车车顶配置有一对受电杆。受电杆内部中空,包有受电电缆。受电杆顶端为受电头,其上可旋转的触靴中嵌有石墨制成的导电炭滑块。
此图片遵循GFDL 1.2协议图片题注:受电头触靴内的炭滑块(左一为全新,中右为使用磨损的)图片作者:Ralf Roletschek
此图片遵循GFDL 1.2协议图片题注:受电头侧视图图片作者:Ralf Roletschek
此图片遵循GFDL 1.2协议图片题注:嵌有炭滑块的受电头图片作者:Ralf Roletschek
此图片遵循CC BY-SA 3.0协议图片题注:受电杆与触线连接的示意模型图片作者:Voogd075 at nl.wikipedia 车辆运行时,受电杆在其基座弹簧的作用力下向上翘起,炭滑块直接与架空接触网的一对触线滑动接触受电并形成电流通路。车辆行驶轨迹前有障碍物时,受电杆可绕基座左右转动(偏线),在一定范围内不脱线绕避障碍物;但在遇到超出范围外的障碍物时,必须降下受电杆脱线绕避。
此图片遵循GFDL 1.2协议图片题注:带有照明及监控探头的受电杆根部图片作者:Ralf Roletschek
此图片遵循CC BY-SA 3.0协议图片题注:无轨电车偏线超车图片作者:Citaro G
此图片遵循CC BY-SA 3.0协议图片题注:置于触线上方的受电杆捕捉器图片作者:cs:ŠJů
此图片遵循CC BY-SA 3.0协议图片题注:受电杆手动搭接至接触网(意外脱线)图片作者:寿司猫 车辆临时停驶时,受电杆座弹簧可由气动或液压泵压缩,或直接人工牵动拉索将受电杆从接触网降下后锁止在钩杆内。车辆在场内停驶时,为保护弹簧弹性,一般不将受电杆锁止在钩杆内,而是任其翘起,称为“甩空”。为防止车辆内部积蓄静电,无轨电车车底一般安装有接地铁链或金属橡胶条,车门开启前可与大地直接相连,将积蓄的静电释放,保证人员安全。
此图片遵循CC BY-SA 3.0 de图片题注:受电杆被锁止在杆钩内图片作者:Re 460
此图片遵循CC BY-SA 3.0协议图片题注:停驶时的受电杆须“甩空”(红色车)图片作者:Suez (sophia)
此图片遵循CC BY-SA 3.0 de协议 3.2 架空接触网 | Wire switches 无轨电车运行的动力主要来自行车轨迹上方设置的架空接触网。城市电网提供的高压交流电通过降压整流变电站变为600至750 V的直流电,通过馈线馈给触线,触线则直接给车辆授电。双动源无轨电车连接接触网时还可为车载动力电池充电。行车方向左侧触线为正极,右侧为负极。触线材质一般为铜银合金或纯铜,通过夹板夹持上半部悬吊,下半部与受电杆炭滑块滑动相接。 Trolleybus wire switches (called “frogs” in the UK) are used where a trolleybus line branches into two or where two lines join. A switch may be either in a “straight through” or “turnout” position; it normally remains in the “straight through” position unless it has been triggered, and reverts to it after a few seconds or after the pole shoe passes through and strikes a release lever (in Boston, the resting or “default” position is the “leftmost” position). Triggering is typically accomplished by a pair of contacts, one on each wire close to and before the switch assembly, which power a pair of electromagnets, one in each frog with diverging wires (“frog” generally refers to one fitting that guides one trolley wheel/shoe onto a desired wire or across one wire. Occasionally, “frog” has been used to refer to the entire switch assembly). 【参考译文】无轨电车的电线转换器(在英国被称为“青蛙”)用于无轨电车线路分叉成两条或两条线路相交的地方。转换器可以处于“直通”或“转辙”位置;它通常保持在“直通”位置,除非被触发,并在几秒钟后或在极靴通过并撞击释放杆后恢复原位(在波士顿,静止或“默认”位置是“最左侧”位置)。触发通常是通过一对接触来完成的,一个在每个电线上靠近和在转换器组件之前,它们为一对电磁铁供电,每个“青蛙”都有一个分叉的电线(“青蛙”通常指的是将一个无轨电车轮/鞋引导到所需的电线上或越过一条电线的配件。偶尔,“青蛙”也被用来指整个转换器组件)。
此图片属于公共领域图片题注:接触网触线截面图图片作者:Siegele Roland
此图片遵循CC BY-SA 3.0协议图片题注:接触网夹板与触线的连接图片作者:Brno,_Husovice 复杂的接触网通常设置枢纽件以布置多组触线。枢纽件分为分线器、并线器和交叉器,可实现多路无轨电车行驶轨迹的分离、合并和交叉。当系统存在多个供电区间时,一般通过分段绝缘器和均压线进行接触网电压的隔离和平衡。 Multiple branches may be handled by installing more than one switch assembly. For example, to provide straight-through, left-turn or right-turn branches at an intersection, one switch is installed some distance from the intersection to choose the wires over the left-turn lane, and another switch is mounted closer to or in the intersection to choose between straight through and a right turn[40] (this would be the arrangement in countries such as the United States, where traffic directionality is right-handed; in left-handed traffic countries such as the United Kingdom and New Zealand, the first switch (before the intersection) would be used to access the right-turn lanes, and the second switch (usually in the intersection) would be for the left-turn). 【参考译文】通过安装多个转换器组件,可以处理多个分支。例如,要在交叉口提供直通、左转或右转分支,一个转换器安装在离交叉口一定距离的地方,以选择左转车道上的电线,另一个转换器则安装在更靠近或在交叉口的位置,以选择直通和右转[40](这种布置适用于交通方向为右侧通行的国家,如美国;而在左侧通行的国家如英国和新西兰,第一个转换器(在交叉口之前)将用于进入右转车道,第二个转换器(通常在交叉口处)将用于左转)。
此图片遵循GFDL 1.2协议图片题注:分线器活动芯特写图片作者:Ralf Roletschek Three common types of switches[40] exist: power-on/power-off (the picture of a switch above is of this type), Selectric, and Fahslabend. 【参考译文】常见的三种类型的转换器[40]存在:通电/断电(上面转换器的图片就是这种类型)、Selectric和Fahslabend。
此图片遵循GFDL 1.2协议图片题注:接触网交叉器(双线与双线)图片作者:Marcela
此图片遵循GFDL 1.2协议图片题注:接触网交叉器特写图片作者:Marcela
此图片遵循CC BY-SA 3.0协议图片题注:接触网交叉器(双线与单线)图片作者:Mgloede
此图片遵循CC BY-SA 3.0协议图片题注:接触网交叉器(双线二次交叉)图片作者:JuergenG 架空接触网的悬吊(又称悬挂)类型大致分为硬性悬吊和弹性悬吊两种,前者结构简单便于架设,后者能适应较快的车速。两种悬吊挂方式需结合路况和周边环境及预算进行选择。路中或路侧预埋的电杆或近街建筑物上,可设置单臂梁或横绷线架设触线。
此图片属于公共领域图片题注:简单硬性悬吊(横绷线)图片作者:Андрей Леонов Derivative work: Tucvbif
此图片属于公共领域图片题注:双层硬性悬吊(横绷线)图片作者:Андрей Леонов Derivative work: Tucvbif
此图片遵循CC BY-SA 3.0协议图片题注:横拉力调节硬性悬吊(单臂梁)图片作者:Andrey Leonov Derivative work: Tucvbif
此图片遵循CC BY-SA 3.0协议图片题注:简单摆式悬吊(单臂梁)图片作者:Tucvbif
此图片遵循CC BY-SA 3.0协议图片题注:链式悬吊(单臂梁)图片作者:Andrey Leonov Derivative work: Tucvbif
此图片遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议图片题注:与路灯合一的接触网的悬吊电杆图片作者:Axe
此图片遵循CC BY-SA 2.5协议图片题注:无轨电车通过分线器(主线行驶)图片作者:Gerfriedc
此图片遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议图片题注:无轨电车利用两根有轨电车单触线行驶图片作者:User:Harold
此图片遵循CC BY-SA 3.0协议图片题注:相连上下行的正负极触线均压线图片作者:ŠJů
此图片遵循CC BY-SA 3.0协议图片题注:上下行的负极触线耦合相连图片作者:德语维基百科的Re 460 A power-on/power-off switch is triggered if the trolleybus is drawing considerable power from the overhead wires, usually by accelerating, at the moment the poles pass over the contacts (the contacts are lined up on the wires in this case). If the trolleybus “coasts” through the switch, the switch will not activate. Some trolleybuses, such as those in Philadelphia and Vancouver, have a manual “power-coast” toggle switch that turns the power on or off. This allows a switch to be triggered in situations that would otherwise be impossible, such as activating a switch while braking or accelerating through a switch without activating it. One variation of the toggle switch will simulate accelerating by causing a larger power draw (through a resistance grid), but will not simulate coasting and prevent activation of the switch by cutting the power. 【参考译文】当无轨电车从架空电线中汲取大量电力时,通常在杆子通过接触器时(在这种情况下,接触器排列在电线上),会触发一个通/断开关。如果无轨电车“滑行”通过开关,则开关不会激活。一些无轨电车,例如费城的和温哥华的无轨电车,有一个手动的“动力-滑行”切换开关,可以打开或关闭电源。这允许在不可能的情况下触发开关,例如在制动或加速通过开关时激活它。切换开关的一个变体将通过(通过电阻网格)导致更大的电力消耗来模拟加速,但不会模拟滑行并切断电源以防止激活开关。 A Selectric[41] switch has a similar design, but the contacts on the wires are skewed, often at a 45-degree angle, rather than being lined up. This skew means that a trolleybus going straight through will not trigger the switch, but a trolleybus making a turn will have its poles match the contacts in a matching skew (with one pole shoe ahead of the other), which will trigger the switch regardless of power draw (accelerating versus coasting). 【参考译文】Selectric[41]开关的设计类似,但电线上的触点是倾斜的,通常为45度角,而不是排列成一条直线。这种倾斜意味着无轨电车直行时不会触发开关,但无轨电车转弯时,其杆子将与倾斜的触点匹配(一个杆鞋领先于另一个),这将触发开关,无论电力消耗如何(加速或滑行)。 For a Fahslabend switch, the trolleybus’ turn indicator control (or a separate driver-controlled switch) causes a coded radio signal to be sent from a transmitter, often attached to a trolley pole. The receiver is attached to the switch and causes it to trigger if the correct code is received. This has the advantage that the driver does not need to be accelerating the bus (as with a power-on/power-off switch) or trying to make a sharp turn (as with a Selectric switch). 【参考译文】对于Fahslabend开关,无轨电车的转向指示器控制器(或单独的驾驶员控制开关)会从发射器发送编码无线电信号,通常附在电车杆上。接收器连接到开关并导致其在接收到正确的代码时触发。这样的好处是驾驶员不需要加速巴士(像功率开/关开关一样),或者试图急转弯(像Selectric开关一样)。 Trailing switches (where two sets of wires merge) do not require action by the operator. The frog runners are pushed into the desired position by the trolley shoe, or the frog is shaped so the shoe is guided onto the exit wire without any moving parts. 【参考译文】尾随开关(两组电线合并的地方)不需要操作员的操作。无轨电车的滑脚将蛙式触头推入所需的位置,或者使青蛙形状的触头被引导到出口电线上而没有任何移动部件。 第二部分(优点、缺点、现代发展) 请这里访问 第三部分(制造、转向低地板设计、双层、使用和保存、图集) 请这里访问 参见、参考文献、外部链接 请这里访问
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