
spirit怎么读英文怎么说_crayon怎么读音发音英语怎么说spirit汉语翻译n. 精神, 心灵, 灵魂, 态度, 志气, 人格, 情绪, 心情, 烈酒vt. 诱拐, 鼓励, 鼓舞【化】 醑剂【医】 酒精; 醑剂相关词组:break sb’s spiritgive up th

spirit   汉语翻译   n. 精神, 心灵, 灵魂, 态度, 志气, 人格, 情绪, 心情, 烈酒   vt. 诱拐, 鼓励, 鼓舞   【化】 醑剂   【医】 酒精; 醑剂   相关词组:   break sb’s spirit   give up the spirit   be vexed in spirit   take sth in a wrong spirit   词型变化:   动词过去式:spirited 过去分词:spirited 现在分词:spiriting 第三人称单数:spirits    词意辨析:   soul, ghost, spirit这些名词均含“灵魂,心灵”之意。   soul: 指超越身体之外,永远存在的无形的东西,即所谓灵魂,亦可作人解。   ghost: 普通用词,主要指死者的灵魂。   spirit: 当指与body相对而言的所谓灵魂时,可与soul互换使用,但强调人的精神素质,也指神仙、精灵等。   英语解释:   名词 spirit:the vital principle or animating force within living thingsthe general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people同义词:tone, feel, feeling, flavor, flavour, look, smella fundamental emotional and activating principle determining one’s characterany incorporeal supernatural being that can become visible (or audible) to human beings同义词:disembodied spiritthe state of a person’s emotions (especially with regard to pleasure or dejection)同义词:emotional statethe intended meaning of a communication同义词:intent, purportanimation and energy in action or expression同义词:liveliness, life, sprightlinessan inclination or tendency of a certain kind同义词:heart动词 spirit:infuse with spirit同义词:spirit up, inspirit   例句:   We need a spirit of enterprise if we are to overcome our difficulties.如果我们要克服困难,我们就要有进取精神。The priest says that the human spirit never dies.牧师说,人的灵魂永远不死。He is in low spirit.他意气消沉。


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