
bribery是什么意思中文_bro翻译成中文bribe是什么意思_bribe用英语怎么说_bribe的翻译_bribe翻译成_bribe的中文意思_bribe怎么读,bribe的读音,bribe的用法,bribe的例句全部贿赂行贿It was alleged that he had taken bribes w

bribe是什么意思_bribe用英语怎么说_bribe的翻译_bribe翻译成_bribe的中文意思_bribe怎么读,bribe的读音,bribe的用法,bribe的例句   全部贿赂行贿   It was alleged that he had taken bribes while in office.
bribery是什么意思中文_bro翻译成中文   他被指称在任时收受贿赂。   牛津词典   She had been offered a $50 000 bribe to drop the charges.
bribery是什么意思中文_bro翻译成中文   有人用5万贿赂她,要她撤回控告。   牛津词典   They bribed the guards with cigarettes.
bribery是什么意思中文_bro翻译成中文   他们用香烟贿赂看守。   牛津词典   She was bribed into handing over secret information.
bribery是什么意思中文_bro翻译成中文   她被收买交出了机密。   牛津词典   He managed to bribe his way onto the ship.
bribery是什么意思中文_bro翻译成中文   他设法行贿混上了船。   牛津词典   He was being investigated for receiving bribes.
bribery是什么意思中文_bro翻译成中文   他因收受贿赂正在接受调查。   柯林斯高阶英语词典   He was accused of bribing a senior bank official…
bribery是什么意思中文_bro翻译成中文   他被指控贿赂一名高级银行官员。   柯林斯高阶英语词典   The government bribed the workers to be quiet.
bribery是什么意思中文_bro翻译成中文   政府收买工人让其保持沉默。   柯林斯高阶英语词典   The judge rejected a bribe from the defendant’s family.
bribery是什么意思中文_bro翻译成中文   法官拒收被告家属的贿赂.   《简明英汉词典》   Of course Rahm cannot acknowledge that the bribe has worked.
bribery是什么意思中文_bro翻译成中文   当然,拉姆不能承认贿赂起了作用.   辞典例句   The attempt to bribe the clerk had failed.
bribery是什么意思中文_bro翻译成中文   贿赂职员的尝试失败了.   期刊摘选   The judge was impeached for taking a bribe.
bribery是什么意思中文_bro翻译成中文   这个法官被检举接受贿赂.   《现代汉英综合大词典》   The children were given candy as a bribe to be good.
bribery是什么意思中文_bro翻译成中文   用糖果哄孩子们不要闹.   辞典例句   Never before have I been asked to accept a bribe.
bribery是什么意思中文_bro翻译成中文   以前我从未被要求接受贿赂.   辞典例句   They call it a ” bribe of survival ”
bribery是什么意思中文_bro翻译成中文   他们称此为 “ 生存的贿赂 ”   期刊摘选   Their attempt to bribe the clerk had failed.
bribery是什么意思中文_bro翻译成中文   他们贿赂那位办事员的企图没有成功.   《简明英汉词典》   He lay under the suspicion of having accepted a bribe.
bribery是什么意思中文_bro翻译成中文   他有受贿的嫌疑.   期刊摘选   He tried to bribe the policeman not to arrest him.
bribery是什么意思中文_bro翻译成中文   他企图贿赂警察不逮捕他.   《简明英汉词典》   The attempt to bribe the clerk fail.
bribery是什么意思中文_bro翻译成中文   行贿职员的企图失败了.   期刊摘选   Are you trying to get me to bribe you?
bribery是什么意思中文_bro翻译成中文   你想让我贿赂你?   期刊摘选   Don’t use cash to bribe or punish It’s an easy trap to fall into.
bribery是什么意思中文_bro翻译成中文   不要用现金来贿赂或处罚这是个很容易掉进去的陷阶.   期刊摘选   He tried to bribe the policeman with money.
bribery是什么意思中文_bro翻译成中文   他试图用金钱贿赂警察.   期刊摘选   The merchant offers a bribe to him.
bribery是什么意思中文_bro翻译成中文   这商人向他行贿.   《现代汉英综合大词典》   He resolutely refused their bribe.
bribery是什么意思中文_bro翻译成中文   他坚决不接受他们的贿赂.   《简明英汉词典》   They tried to bribe the reporter into silence.
bribery是什么意思中文_bro翻译成中文   他们试图收买该记者,不让他张扬.   辞典例句   As one of economy crimes, the crime of business’s bribe has its characteristics.
bribery是什么意思中文_bro翻译成中文   商业贿赂犯罪作为经济犯罪的一种, 有其自身的特点.   期刊摘选   Didn’t you know it was a bribe?
bribery是什么意思中文_bro翻译成中文   难道你不知道那笔钱是贿款 吗 ?   期刊摘选   I didn’t have to bribe anyone; it was all open and aboveboard.
bribery是什么意思中文_bro翻译成中文   我没有必要贿赂任何人, 这完全是光明正大的.   《简明英汉词典》   He realizes too late that the gift was a callous bribe.
bribery是什么意思中文_bro翻译成中文   当他意识到这意味着贿赂时,已经太晚了.   期刊摘选


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