chili pepper和chili_sweet pepper

chili pepper和chili_sweet pepper辣椒到底是pepper还是chili?胡椒、花椒,英文如何区分?▎辣椒到底是pepper还是chili?在西方,最常见的辣椒品种是chili pepper,简称chili;jalapeno-墨西哥辣椒也比较

chili pepper和chili_sweet pepper▎辣椒到底是pepper还是chili?   
chili pepper和chili_sweet pepper在西方,最常见的辣椒品种是chili pepper,简称chili;jalapeno-墨西哥辣椒也比较常见。Pepper是各种椒类蔬菜的统称,包括辣椒、青椒,也表示胡椒粉。(1) Chili pepper 辣椒   注意,chili仅有一个l,不要与chilly-寒冷的混淆。She loves spicy food, so she’s growing her own chili peppers this summer.她爱吃辣的,所以她今年夏天要自己种辣椒。
chili pepper和chili_sweet pepper   (2) Chili (short for chili pepper) 辣椒The kitchen tiles have little chilis painted on them.厨房的瓷砖上画着小辣椒。
chili pepper和chili_sweet pepper   (3) Chili (the American stew) 美式菜肴This restaurant is known for its chili, so let’s try that.这家餐馆的chili很有名,咱们试试吧。
chili pepper和chili_sweet pepper   (4) Pepper (the vegetable) 椒类蔬菜Betty loves to eat peppers on her pizza and in her salad.贝蒂喜欢吃比萨饼和沙拉里的青椒。
chili pepper和chili_sweet pepper   (5) Pepper (ground) 胡椒粉That recipe calls for a teaspoon of pepper.这个菜谱需要一茶匙胡椒粉。
chili pepper和chili_sweet pepper▎“花椒”英文怎么说?Pepper和peppercorn区别是?(1) Pepper 胡椒   胡椒的统称,无论是磨成粉的还是胡椒籽。I add salt and pepper to most things I eat.我特别爱往吃的里加盐和胡椒。   
chili pepper和chili_sweet pepperDon’t rub your eyes after touching pepper.摸完胡椒别揉眼睛。   (2) Peppercorn 胡椒籽We’ll need to grind the peppercorn before we can use it.咱们得先把胡椒籽擀成粉才能用。   
chili pepper和chili_sweet pepperI think the peppercorn will make the flavor of the steak a little more lively without making it too spicy.我觉得胡椒籽能让牛排提点味,又不至于太辣。
chili pepper和chili_sweet pepper   (3) Sichuan pepper 花椒   不叫Chinese pepper。Let’s use some Sichuan pepper in this dish.咱们往这道菜里加点花椒。   
chili pepper和chili_sweet pepperYou should try growing Sichuan peppers, so you can make Sichuan chicken anytime you like!你应该种点花椒,这样你就随时能做川香鸡了!   
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chili pepper和chili_sweet pepper   购课赠小雅实体书   
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chili pepper和chili_sweet pepper


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