
ibis的中文是什么意思_ibs是什么意思IBS” (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)” is a common functional bowel disorder that affects the large intestine.”” is thought to be a combination of factor

IBS   ” (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)” is a common functional bowel disorder that affects the large intestine.   ”” is thought to be a combination of factors, including food intolerance, bacterial overgrowth, and gut dysbiosis.   Symptoms of “” include abdominal pain, cramping, diarrhea, constipation, and gas.   ”” is diagnosed based on a patient’s history and a physical examination.   Treatment for “” includes dietary modifications, medication, and stress management.   There is no cure for “”, but symptoms can be managed.   ”” is a chronic condition that can last for years.   ”” does not typically lead to serious health problems.   ”” can affect people of all ages.   ”” is more common in women than in men.   ” (肠易激综合征)”是一种常见的结肠功能性疾病,影响到结肠。   ””被认为是多种因素的组合,包括食物不耐受、细菌过度生长和肠道菌群失调。   ””的症状包括腹痛、痉挛、腹泻、便秘和腹胀。   ””的诊断是根据患者的病史和体检来确定的。   ””的治疗包括饮食调整、药物治疗和压力管理。   ””没有治愈的方法,但症状是可以控制的。


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