
sparrow英语怎么读语音_Sparrow品牌sparrow是什么意思,sparrow怎么读,sparrow的意思是:麻雀;〈美〉个子小的In some areas it is believed that to avoid ill luck any sparrow caught must b

sparrow是什么意思,sparrow怎么读,sparrow的意思是:麻雀;〈美〉个子小的   In some areas it is believed that to avoid ill luck any sparrow caught must be immediately killed otherwise the person who caught it will die .在某些地区,人们相信为了避免厄运,只要逮到麻雀,就要立刻将之杀死,否则逮到麻雀的人就会死去。Let the light fall gently , and the clouds show an inner vest of the first green leaf . Let the sparrow perch on the twig and shake the raindrop hanging to the twig ‘s elbow ……让灯光温和地照下,让云朵展示第一片绿叶的内芽,让麻雀栖息在细枝上,摇晃挂在细枝弯角处的雨滴……Dr garamszegi ‘s work , published in global change biology , found that the house sparrow ( passer domesticus ) showed a malaria prevalence that was less than 10 % before 1990 when worldwide temperatures were cooler , but in recent years nearly 30 % were infected .高劳姆塞吉博士发表在《全球变化生物学》(globalchangebiology)上的论文发现,(家)麻雀在1990年前感染疟疾不到总数的10%,那时候全球气温较为凉爽,但是近些年,疟疾感染率接近30%。First of all , the feeling of compassion that makes them pick up that sparrow is natural as far as I can tell . It is present in all normal people . But it seems it would extend to other humans as well , so what is going on ?首先,我觉得怜悯之心使他们拾起受伤的麻雀是件自然而然的事情,所有正常的人都会这么做,但也可能影响到其他的人。Sparrow , won ‘t you fly down south by me ?麻雀啊,你愿意随我飞到南方吗?Researchers compared white-crowned sparrow songs recorded in 1969 and 2005 .研究人员比较了白冠麻雀1969年至2005年的叫声记录。The adaptable sparrow , however , simply changed its tune .然而,适应能力较强的麻雀仅仅改变了调子而已。No one , however , could outdo the sparrow tsar , or so you might think .然而,或许你可能想到了,没有任何人可以胜过“麻雀沙皇”。


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