
start怎么读音发音英语怎么读_lesson英语怎么读start用作动词 (v.) start back (v.+adv.)

start   用作动词 (v.) start back (v.+adv.) 后退; 突然后退 recoil; move back suddenlyThe noise made him start back.他一听到那吵闹声就退了回去。   start for (v.+prep.) 动身去 begin a journey to a place   start for sth   I am on the point of starting for London.   我即将启程去伦敦。   He started for his holiday with a light heart.   他怀着轻松的心情动身去度假。 start in (v.+adv.) 开始工作〔活动,做事〕 begin work, activity, or doing sth   start in   If we start in at once, we can get the job finished early.   如果我们立即开始,我们就能早些结束这件工作。   The children started in on the food without waiting for an invitation.   孩子们不等人请便开始吃了起来。 start off (v.+adv.) 迅速跑开 move quickly away   start off   They started off at dawn next day.   他们第二天拂晓出发了。   Don’t start off without telling me.   别不告诉我一声就出发。 start sth ⇔ off with sth   Let’s start the party off with a song.   让我们首先唱支歌儿来开始今天的聚会。 start off by v-ing   I’ll start off by using this piece of wood.   我用这块木料开始做。   The story-teller started off by describing a beautiful princess.   讲故事的人从描述一个美丽的公主讲起。 start off   The rabbit started off as soon as it smelt the dogs.   兔子一嗅到有狗的气味便迅速跑开了。   A hare started off into the forest.   一只野兔钻入树林。 start out (v.+adv.) 开始〔着手〕做 begin with the intention   start out   My younger sister started out for school on her bicycle.   我妹妹骑自行车出发到学校去了。 start out to-v   He started out to write a novel.   他着手写一部小说。   We must start out to support the just struggle.   我们一定要行动起来支持正义斗争。 start out of (v.+adv.+prep.) 突然离开(某处) leave somewhere suddenly   start out of sth   His eyes nearly started out of his head when he saw the terrible sight.   当他看见那恐怖的景象时他的眼睛都快蹦出来了。   Blood started out of the wound.   伤口突然往外冒起血来。 start over (v.+adv.) 重新开始 begin again   start over   After the fire, we had to start over and build the business again from the beginning.   那场火灾之后,我们不得不再从头开始重建。   Let’s start over and see if we can get it right this time.   咱们从头再来一遍,看看是否这次能做对。 start something 惹事,惹麻烦 begin a fight, an argument, trouble, etc.   start up (v.+adv.) 开始; 着手 begin; open; undertake   start up   He started up in alarm.   他惊恐得蹦了起来。   A hare started up at his feet and raced off.   有只野兔突然一蹦就跑掉了。   The sudden ringing of the telephone made me start up.   突然响起的电话铃声吓了我一跳。 start up   The machines all started up at the same time.   机器都在同一时刻开始了运转。 start sth ⇔ up   She started the car up.   她发动了汽车。   We couldn’t start up the tractor this morning.   今天早晨我们没能够把拖拉机发动起来。 start sth ⇔ up   He has started up a new business.   他开办了一项新业务。   They have decided to start up a nursery in the factory.   他们已决定要在工厂里开办一个托儿所。 用作名词 (n.) for a start 首先 as a first point   from start to finish 自始至终 all the time   get off to a good〔bad〕, etc. start 开始时很好〔不好等〕 start well, badly, etc.   make a fresh start 重新做; 白手起家 start from the beginning


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