playing music是什么意思_play和plays的区别

playing music是什么意思_play和plays的区别play music是什么意思_play music用英语怎么说_play music的翻译_play music翻译成_play music的中文意思_play music怎么读,play music的读音,play music的用法,

play music是什么意思_play music用英语怎么说_play music的翻译_play music翻译成_play music的中文意思_play music怎么读,play music的读音,play music的用法,play music的例句   全部   PDA ( personal digital assistant ) can send email, download information and play music.
playing music是什么意思_play和plays的区别   PDA ( 个人数字助理 ) 能够收发邮件及下载资料和播放音乐.   互联网   Lute, play music bright for the bride fair and slender!
playing music是什么意思_play和plays的区别   窈窕淑女, 琴瑟友之.   互联网   They play music loudly and put their belongings in the corridor.
playing music是什么意思_play和plays的区别   他们把音乐开到很大声,又把私人物品摆在走廓.   互联网   By the fountains at either end of the path huskers play music.
playing music是什么意思_play和plays的区别   街头艺人们则在小路两头的喷泉旁演奏着乐曲.   互联网   Try to play music that will appeal to them.
playing music是什么意思_play和plays的区别   试着演奏对他们有吸引力的乐曲.   互联网   The watches can play music.
playing music是什么意思_play和plays的区别   这手表能放音乐.   互联网   Play music at a moderate volume level.
playing music是什么意思_play和plays的区别   播放音乐时要选择合适的音量.   互联网   Can you play music at sight?
playing music是什么意思_play和plays的区别   你能看谱即席演奏 吗 ?   互联网   They play music to satisfy their inner desire.
playing music是什么意思_play和plays的区别   他们歌唱来满足内心的渴望.   互联网   J : Do you think it is necessary to play music at a wedding reception?
playing music是什么意思_play和plays的区别   (你认为在喜宴上演奏音乐有必要 吗 ?)   互联网   The apartment also boasts a bluetooth wireless network and photo frames that play music.
playing music是什么意思_play和plays的区别   该样板房最酷的是可使用蓝牙无线联网并拥有超大音乐播放显示幕.   互联网   To Zhuang its momentum, the team marched, there were musicians play music for accompaniment.
playing music是什么意思_play和plays的区别   为壮其声势, 队伍行进时, 有乐手奏乐为其伴奏.   互联网   Right now , we play music in Gothic Metal , Melodic Death Metal and Symphonic Metal styles.
playing music是什么意思_play和plays的区别   目前的风格为哥特、旋死和交响金属.   互联网   Do you think it is necessary to play music at a wedding reception?
playing music是什么意思_play和plays的区别   你认为在喜宴上演奏音乐有必要 吗 ?   互联网   Or when I take shower, I bring my cell phone inside and play music with it.
playing music是什么意思_play和plays的区别   我在洗澡的时候,会把手机拿进来, 听着音乐洗澡.   互联网


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