
paste怎么读英语_paste怎么读英语单词英语词汇paste怎么读,是什么意思,单词翻译、读音、固定搭配用法和短语词组及例句单词paste释义pasten1 [sing] moist soft mixture, esp of a powdery substance and a liquid 面团&nb

英语词汇paste怎么读,是什么意思,单词翻译、读音、固定搭配用法和短语词组及例句   单词   paste   释义   paste   n   1 [sing] moist soft mixture, esp of a powdery substance and a liquid 面团       a smooth, thin, thick, etc paste 一块光滑的、 薄的、 厚的…面团       She mixed the flour and water to a paste. 她用水和面做成面团.   2 [U] mixture of flour and water used to stick things together, esp to stick paper to a wall 强糊.   3 [U] (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) mixture of ground meat or fish for spreading on bread 肉酱; 鱼酱       anchovy paste 鱼酱 * liver paste 肝酱.   4 [U] hard glass-like substance used to make artificial gems (制人造宝石的)铅玻璃       [attrib 作定语]   paste jewellery 人造宝石.   paste v   1 [I, Tn] put paste1(2) on (sth) 在(某物)上涂 强糊.   2 [, Tn.p]   ~ sth (on) to sth; ~ sth on (sth); ~ A and B together stick sth to sth else with paste1(2) 用 强糊将某物粘贴於某处       She pasted posters onto the wall. 她把海报贴在墙上了.       paste pieces of paper together 把纸粘在一起.   3 [Tn] (dated infml 旧, 口) hit or beat (sb) 打, 揍(某人).   4 (phr v) paste sth down fasten the cover or flap of sth with paste1(2) 用 强糊粘住某物的盖. paste sth in; paste sth into sth stick (a photo, label, etc) onto a page of a book with paste1(2) 用 强糊将(照片、 标签等)贴在本子上       She pasted the pictures into a scrapbook. 她把图片贴在剪贴簿上. paste sth up   (a) stick sth to an upright surface with paste1(2) 用 强糊张贴某物       paste up an advertisement, a notice, a poster, etc 张贴广告、 告示、 海报等.   (b) fasten (sheets or strips of paper with text and illustrations) onto a larger sheet of paper or board, in order to design a page for a book, magazine, etc 将(文字或图画等纸块)贴在大张纸或板上(以设计版面).   随便看   paid   paid-up   pail   pailful   paillasse   pain   painful   painfully   painfulness   pain-killer   painless   painlessly   painlessness   pains   painstaking   painstakingly   paint   paintbox   paintbrush   painter   painting   paintwork   pair   Paisley   pajamas


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