
spite怎么读的_quite怎么读音发音英语怎么说spitespite的意思、解释过去式:spited;   过去分词:spited;  现在分词:spiting;   复数形式:spites;spite 基本解释名词怨恨;

spite   spite的意思、解释   过去式:spited;   过去分词:spited;     现在分词:spiting;   复数形式:spites;   spite 基本解释   名词怨恨; 恶意; 恶事   及物动词向…表示恶意; 欺负; 刁难; 泄愤spite 相关词组   spite是什么意思   1. in spite of : 不管;   2. out of spite : 出于恶意;   3. in spite of oneself : 不由自主地;spite 相关例句   及物动词   1. They are being provocative and controversial just to spite us.   他们这样挑衅和争论就是要故意刁难我们。   2. He took my parking space just to spite me.   他为了使我恼怒而抢我的停车位。   名词   1. He took my best toy just out of spite!   他仅仅出于怨恨拿走了我最好的玩具!   2. I am sure he took my parking space just out of spite.   我很肯定他是为了泄愤才抢我的停车位。   3. They trampled his flowers out of spite.   他们出于恶意踩了他的花。spite 网络解释   1.   1. 恨:人类有着非常强烈地帮助他人的欲望,但是怨恨(spite)是否也是人类的性格之一?刊登在Proceedings of the Royal Academy杂志上的一篇文章中,德国莱比锡Max Planck进化人类学研究所的Keith Jensen和同事们在人类表亲-黑猩猩上,   2. spite在线翻译   2. 恶意:在本质上,能够把动机分为以下四类:误差(errors)、压制(coercion)、优先(preemption)以及恶意(spite). 对于核武器和大规模常规武器的打击来说,攻击的来源常常是十分明显的. 但在网络空间中,情况却不是这样.   3.   3. 意:在本质上,能够把动机分为以下四类:误差(errors)、压制(coercion)、优先(preemption)以及恶意(spite). 对于核武器和大规模常规武器的打击来说,攻击的来源常常是十分明显的. 但在网络空间中,情况却不是这样.spite 双语例句   1. Rain had been falling all day, and it had been a cold, gloomy, almost menacing rain, with, I remember, an unmistakable spite against mankind.   记得,我正在想着没有比这更阴暗的时候,甚至在肉体上也感觉得到。倾盆大雨下了一整天,那是一场最寒冷、最阴郁甚至叫人可怕的大雨。   2.   2. In fact, he declared it was of no use to work on his farm; it was the most pestilent little piece of ground in the whole country; every thing about it went wrong, and would go wrong, in spite of him.   事实上,他宣称它没有用在他工作的农场,它是最pestilent地面一小部分全国,每一件事对出错,并会出问题,但在他。   3.   3. In spite of the extraordinary progress made in science and technology, problems rema in in terms of guaranteeing that achievements benefit the greatest number of people.   尽管科学技术取得了非凡的进步,但是在保证进步成果使尽可能多的人受益这方面还存在一些问题。   4. In spite of doing good not for the intended receipt, we predicatively are not inclined to grief.   虽然好心做好事并不是为了有好报,但也不至于招来恶报吧,那样的话,我们就太委屈了。   5. In spite of you and me and the whoie silly world going to pieces around us, i love you.   哪怕是世界末日,我都会爱着你。   6. In spite of the fact that he was poor and had no friends, he rose to a high position in the government.   尽管他一没钱、二没人,他还是在政府谋得了很高的职位。   7. In spite of some criticism, I think doing both singing and acting is not bad.   尽管有人对这有所质疑与批评,但我觉得身兼两种身分没有什麼坏处。   8. In spite of these safeguards, many analysts have speculated that Korea’s banks could see a sharp deterioration of their balance sheets, making another round of bank consolidation likely.   尽管采取了这些防御措施,但许多分析师猜测,韩国各银行的资产负债表可能急剧恶化,也许会导致又一轮银行整合。   9. In spite of this, she often appear on the stage as a young girl.   尽管如此,她却常在舞台上扮演小姑娘。   10. In spite of representing a 62 per cent premium to Yahoo`s closing share price the day before, industry executives and analysts said the approach was likely to be only the opening shot in a scramble for control of one of the few large-scale online media and advertising companies.   尽管微软的报价比雅虎股票前一日的收盘价高出62%,但业内高管和分析师们表示,此举很可能只是打响了争夺为数不多的大型在线媒体及广告公司控制权的第一*。   11. But in spite of all my attempts I could not altogether cross the realm of name and form and bring my mind to the unconditioned state.   不管我怎样尝试,我也不能够完全地越过名相的领域,把头脑带进无条件的状态。   12. In spite of a profound awareness of the value of the language phenomena, in practice, relevant and necessary research has never been employed by linguists.   金文研究发轫于宋,盛于清代,民国,已是古文字学四大分支学科之一,然而,现代语言学的介入,以语法和音韵为主,具有系统观念的金文词汇研究甚为少见,这也是急需解决的问题。   13. spite   13. But we realize that in spite of all the volumes read and understood we are still far from a complete solution, if, indeed, such a thing exists at all.   不过我们体会到,尽管读过和研究过的卷帙已经很不少了,但如果肯定有一个答案的话,那我们离最后的答案还很远。   14. He declared to himself that he would not doubt, and he began to doubt in spite of himself.   他对自己说他是不愿意怀疑的,可是他已不自主地开始怀疑了。   15. The insect eye again call the ant feet, the expressional appearance have a lot of, size not etc., is the jade article that the very small insect is model up beat the hole to set up household, be like the kiln hole of the north of 陜, the door is small inside big, very irregular, (have of inside have the metals particle), the person uses in spite of now what tool, is all to do not to come out of, argue to recognize easiest under the magnifier.   虫眼又叫蚂蚁脚,表现的状态有很多,大小不等,是极微小的虫在成型的玉器上打洞安家,像陜北的窑洞,门小内大,极不规则,,今人不论用什么工具,都是做不出来的,在放大镜下极易辩认。   16. And that in spite of his utmost tergiversation and treachery in furtherance of the reigning terror, a word might bring it down upon him.   他也知道尽管他竭尽反复无常、狡猾欺诈之能事,为统治时局的恐怖活动火上加油,但要叫那斧头落到他头上只需要一句话。   17. In spite of it is love or hate, we all have a home.   三十六计的中文你能说全了吗?   18. In spite of the heavy rain, she went to the shop.   儘管下著大雨,她還是去了商店。   19. In spite of their self-imposed and gratifying morality, the respectable also are in confusion, misery and conflict.   顾全体面的人,虽然有自设的道德使他们心满意足,然而他们也是生活在混乱、不幸与冲突之中。   20. But at last, he went to the construction site in spite of his bad illness.   整体看,你断句没有断对不管他病的那么重,他最终还是去了工地。spite 词典解释   1. 尽管;不顾;虽然   You use in spite of to introduce a fact which makes the rest of the statement you are making seem surprising.   e.g. Josef Krips at the State Opera hired her in spite of the fact that she had never sung on stage…   尽管她从未在舞台上演唱过,国家歌剧院的约瑟夫·克里普斯还是聘用了她。   e.g. Their love of life comes in spite of, almost in defiance of, considerable hardship.   尽管面临众多的艰难困苦,他们还是几乎义无反顾地表现出了对生活的热爱。   2. 不由自主地;不禁   If you do something in spite of yourself, you do it although you did not really intend to or expect to.   e.g. The blunt comment made Richard laugh in spite of himself…   这番率直的话让理查德不由自主地大笑起来。   e.g. She was deeply moved and in spite of herself could not help showing it.   她被深深地打动了,禁不住为之动容。   3. 恶意;怨恨   If you do something cruel out of spite, you do it because you want to hurt or upset someone.   e.g. I refused her a divorce, out of spite I suppose…   我拒绝和她离婚,就是为了出口恶气。   e.g. Never had she met such spite and pettiness.   她从未见过这样的怨恨和偏狭。   4. (故意做坏事来)伤害,激怒   If you do something cruel to spite someone, you do it in order to hurt or upset them.   e.g. Pantelaras was giving his art collection away for nothing, to spite Marie and her husband.   潘特拉拉斯将自己的艺术藏品全都无偿捐了出去,存心要激怒玛丽和她的丈夫。   5. to cut off your nose to spite your face -> see nosespite 单语例句spite   1. But on a word of caution Omi called for continued vigilance against the disease in spite of the excellent achievements made in combating it.   2. In spite of the many good sides of chewing gum, doctors say it’s important to do it properly.   3. Chinese policymakers are right to raise fuel prices in spite of the additional pressure it will put on China’s ongoing battle against inflation.   4. Water pollution continues to be a major issue confronting the nation in spite of government efforts to clamp down on the worst polluters.   5. Confederation deputy president Li Jianming said the country’s growing economy had benefited these enterprises in spite of price hikes for oil and other materials.   6. In spite of multiple hurdles Medvedev, managed to strike a cord with India’s leaders and to sign 10 important agreements.   7. In spite of the corrective measures it has adopted, this auditing report will surely deal a heavy blow to this bank.   8. In spite of this, many believe that the current tax threshold is still too low.   9. Samsung and China Postal Express also stood firm in their leading positions in spite of the cutthroat competition.   10. But in spite of an Israeli aerial bombing, the tunnel network has not been shut down.spite 英英释义   spite是什么意思   noun   1. malevolence by virtue of being malicious or spiteful or nasty   Synonym: cattinessbitchinessspitefulnessnastiness   2. feeling a need to see others suffer   Synonym: malicemaliciousnessspitefulnessvenom   verb   1. hurt the feelings of   e.g. She hurt me when she did not include me among her guests   This remark really bruised my ego   Synonym: hurtwoundinjurebruiseoffend


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