2.28 早读 | I Want Something Just Like This 今天是Gwen陪你早读的第 2652 天哦! 听前想一想:用英语怎么说? 1. 传说和神话 2. 致命要害;薄弱环节 3. 语言天赋 4. 古老的书籍 2.28 早读原文 I’ve been reading books of old. The legends and the myths, Achilles and his gold, Hercules and his gifts, Spiderman’s control, and Batman with his fists. And clearly, I don’t see myself upon that list. 英音讲解01:14,美音讲解04:50,词汇讲解07:18 BGM:The Chainsmokers / Coldplay–Something Just Like This TODAY 今日早读 说得漂亮
*图片可放大 音标符号来自权威词典| Longman Dictionary 今日发音练习重点 1. old, gold, control 包含易错音组:/əʊl $ oʊl/ 2. gifts, fists, list 注意音/ɪ/ 3. 清清浊浊: books /s/ legends /z/ myths /s/ gifts /s/ Spiderman’s /z/ fists /s/ 言之有物 1. 词链儿:have been doing XX *现在完成进行时:have/has been doing XX;现在完成进行时用来回顾从过去开始到现在仍在进行的动作和情况,或表示到现在为止一直在做的事情等。 I have been thinking about you. 我一直在想着你。 I haven’t been studying very well recently. 我近来学得不太好。 原声例句:Because you have been holding it since this morning. 因为你从今天早上就一直拿着它。 原声例句:And we are all working and have been working for almost 100 years. 我们都在工作,而且已经工作了将近100年。 These people have been waiting for you. They have been sitting here. 这些人一直在等你,他们就坐在那里。
图片源自《查理的战争》 2. books of old 古老的书籍 词链儿:XX of old 往日的XX,从前的XX the knights of old 昔日的骑士 in days of old 从前 3. the legends and the myths 传说和神话 近义词:legend / myth legend n. 传说,传奇(故事);传奇人物 the legend of Robin Hood 罗宾汉的传奇故事 myth n. 神话;神话故事 the heroes of myth and legend神话和传说中的英雄 ancient Greek myths 古希腊神话
4. Achilles / Hercules / Spiderman / Batman → Achilles 阿喀琉斯 Achilles,也常译作阿基里斯、阿喀琉斯等,是古希腊神话和文学中的英雄人物,参与了特洛伊战争,被称为“希腊第一勇士”。 是凡人英雄珀琉斯和海洋女神忒提斯的爱子。忒提斯为了让儿子炼成“金钟罩”,在他刚出生时就将其倒提着浸进冥河。遗憾的是,阿喀琉斯被母亲捏住的脚后跟却不慎露在水外,在全身留下了唯一一处“死穴”。后来,阿喀琉斯被帕里斯一箭射中脚踝而死去。后人常以“Achilles’ heel 阿喀琉斯之踵”譬喻这样一个道理:即使是再强大的英雄,也有致命的死穴或软肋。 词链儿:Achilles’ heel /əˌkɪliːz ˈhiːl/ 致命要害;薄弱环节 I think Frank’s vanity is his Achilles’ heel. 我认为,虚荣心是弗兰克的致命弱点。 链接跳转回顾【“软柿子”英语怎么说?】 https://mp.weixin.sigusoft.com/s?__biz=MzI4OTAyODUxNA==&mid=&idx=2&sn=17df9ba539f5db6d8ad266fb4077fa36&scene=21#wechat_redirect
→ Hercules 赫拉克勒斯 (古希腊神话中的大力神) 赫拉克勒斯(Hercules,又译海格力斯),是古希腊神话中最伟大的英雄。神王宙斯与阿尔克墨涅之子,天生力大无穷。但由于其出身而被宙斯的妻子赫拉所憎恶,因此遭到赫拉的诅咒,导致其在疯狂中杀害了自己的孩子。为了赎罪,他完成了12项“不可能完成”的任务。途中还解救了被缚的普罗米修斯,隐藏身份参加了伊阿宋的英雄探险队,并协助伊阿宋取得金羊毛。 赫拉克勒斯英明一世,但却遭到妻子误会,在他的衣服上涂了毒,导致其痛苦难耐自焚而亡。死后升入奥林匹斯山,被宙斯封为大力神,参与了奥林匹斯诸神与癸干忒斯的战争,并取得胜利。最终和赫拉冰释前嫌,为了表示对他的认可,赫拉将自己的女儿青春女神赫柏许配给赫拉克勒斯为妻。 在今天的西方世界,赫拉克勒斯一词已经成为了大力士和壮汉的同义词。
→ Spiderman (Spider-Man) n. 蜘蛛侠 美国漫威漫画旗下超级英雄
→ Batman n. 蝙蝠侠 美国DC漫画旗下的超级英雄
5. gift n. 天赋,才能 a gift for languages 语言天赋 He was said to have possessed the gift of prophecy. 据说他有预言的能力。 6. clearly adv. 毫无疑问,显然(=obviously) Clearly, this will cost a lot more than we realized. 显而易见,这将比我们所以为的花费要多得多。 链接跳转回顾【听歌学英文| Something Just Like This】 https://mp.weixin.sigusoft.com/s?__biz=MzI4OTAyODUxNA==&mid=&idx=1&sn=726d42e977b2021c9c446bd3d7d315bb&scene=21#wechat_redirect 活学活用 请用have been doing XX随意造句 向上滑动阅览 Something Just Like This I’ve been reading books of old The legends and the myths Achilles and his gold Hercules and his gifts Spider-Man’s control And Batman with his fists And clearly I don’t see myself upon that list But she said, where d’you wanna go? How much you wanna risk? I’m not looking for somebody With some superhuman gifts Some superhero Some fairytale bliss Just something I can turn to Somebody I can kiss I want something just like this Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo Doo-doo-doo, doo, doo Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo Oh, I want something just like this Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo Doo-doo-doo, doo, doo Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo Oh, I want something just like this I want something just like this I’ve been reading books of old The legends and the myths The testaments they told The moon and its eclipse And Superman unrolls A suit before he lifts But I’m not the kind of person that it fits She said, where d’you wanna go? How much you wanna risk? I’m not looking for somebody With some superhuman gifts Some superhero Some fairytale bliss Just something I can turn to Somebody I can miss I want something just like this I want something just like this Oh, I want something just like this Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo Doo-doo-doo, doo, doo Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo Oh, I want something just like this Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo Doo-doo-doo, doo, doo Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo Where d’you wanna go? How much you wanna risk? I’m not looking for somebody With some superhuman gifts Some superhero Some fairytale bliss Just something I can turn to Somebody I can kiss I want something just like this Oh, I want something just like this Oh, I want something just like this Oh, I want something just like this SOURCE 早读出处
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