
pie是什么意思中文翻译是什么意思啊了_animals是什么意思piepien.(名词)A baked food composed of a shell of pastry that is filled with fruit, meat, cheese, or other ingredients, and usually covered with a

pie   pie   n.(名词)   A baked food composed of a shell of pastry that is filled with fruit, meat, cheese, or other ingredients, and usually covered with a pastry crust.   馅饼,肉饼,水果派:由一层填满水果、肉、奶酪或其他原料的面团组成烤制食品,通常覆盖有一层面包皮   A layer cake having cream, custard, or jelly filling.   分层饼:中填奶油、蛋白或果冻的夹层蛋糕   A whole that can be shared:   总额,全体:可以分成几份的总数:   例句:   .That would . . . enlarge the economic pie by making the most productive use of every investment dollar.(New York Times)   .以最具生产力的方式运用每一分投资,将会增加经济成果.(纽约时报)   pie in the sky   An empty wish or promise:   空想:不能实现的愿望或诺言:   例句:   .To outlaw deficits . . . is pie in the sky.(Howard H. Baker, Jr.)   .消除赤字…只是空中楼阁.(小霍华德H.贝克)   来源:   Middle English   中古英语   The etymology of the wordpie turns etymologists into Simple Simons, that is, we do not know what it is for certain.It may come from Medieval Latinpica or pia, .pie, pasty,. but we do not know the origins of these wordsand the earliest use of the Middle English wordpie is earlier (99) than the first use of Medieval Latin pica (c. 30) or pia (230). It has been suggested that Medieval Latinpica may be from Latin poca, .magpie.. The connection could have been made because the miscellaneous nature of pie ingredients might have brought to mind either the magpie`s piebald coloration or its habit of collecting miscellaneous items.In any case, the first pies contained fowl, fish, or meat;the first certain recorded mention of a fruit pie is in Robert Greene`sArcadia, published in 590: .Thy breath is like the steame of apple-pyes..   Pie 的词源把词源学家变成了傻子, 也就是说我们对它的来源无法确定。它可能来源于中世纪拉丁语pica 或 pia 意为.馅饼,面团,. 但我们不知道这些词的词源,并且中世纪英语pie 的最早使用(99年)比中世纪拉丁语 pica (公30年)或 pia (230年)的最早使用还要早。 也有人说中世纪拉丁语pica 可能来源于意为.喜鹊.拉丁文 pica。 其联系大约是因为馅饼原料混杂的特性让人联想到喜鹊杂色的毛或其收集各种各样东西的习惯。无论怎样,最初的馅饼包有禽肉、鱼肉或兽内;对水果派最早的、有确定记录的叙述出现在出版于590年的罗伯特·格林的作品阿卡底亚 中: .你的呼吸如苹果派的香气.   —————另————–   pie   pie 2   n.(名词)   See magpie   参见 magpie   来源:   Middle English   中古英语   from Old French   源自 古法语   from Latin poca   源自 拉丁语 poca   pie   pie 3   n.(名词)   A monetary unit formerly in use in India and Pakistan.   派:印度和巴基斯坦以前用的一种货币单位   来源:   Hindi p3`o   印地语 p3`o   from Sanskrit p3dik3 [quarter]   源自 梵文 p3dik3 [四分之一]   from p3t p3d- [foot, leg] * see ped-   源自 p3t p3d- [脚,腿] *参见 ped-   pie   pie 4   n.(名词)   An almanac of services used in the English church before the Reformation.   日课规则书,日课表:宗教改革前英国教会使用的一种礼拜历本   来源:   Medieval Latin poca   中世纪拉丁语 poca   pie   pie 5   n.(名词)   v.Printing (动词)【印刷术】   Variant of pi 2   pi的变体2


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