
gikf翻译成中文_将自己名字翻译成韩文ginkgo是什么意思_ginkgo用英语怎么说_ginkgo的翻译_ginkgo翻译成_ginkgo的中文意思_ginkgo怎么读,ginkgo的读音,ginkgo的用法,ginkgo的例句全部银杏树Many scholars summarize the experience and

ginkgo是什么意思_ginkgo用英语怎么说_ginkgo的翻译_ginkgo翻译成_ginkgo的中文意思_ginkgo怎么读,ginkgo的读音,ginkgo的用法,ginkgo的例句   全部银杏树   Many scholars summarize the experience and the ways of developing ginkgo industry. They discuss and exchange.
gikf翻译成中文_将自己名字翻译成韩文   不少学者理性地总结银杏产业发展经验和做法, 各种形式的研讨、交流、学术论著的发表、出版方兴未艾.   期刊摘选   According to the exploiting situation of Ginkgo biloba L. in China, analyzed its developing prospect.
gikf翻译成中文_将自己名字翻译成韩文   本文根据我国银杏种植业的发展现状, 分析了我国银杏种植业的开发前景.   期刊摘选   Objective : To observe symptom and ECG changes after taking Ginkgo Leaf tablet.
gikf翻译成中文_将自己名字翻译成韩文   目的: 观察银杏叶片对冠心病心绞痛的影响.   期刊摘选   As the ginkgo is not yet ripe, retrieve the fruit is basically floating head.
gikf翻译成中文_将自己名字翻译成韩文   由于白果尚未成熟, 捡回的基本上是浮头果.   期刊摘选   Ginkgo good for memory?
gikf翻译成中文_将自己名字翻译成韩文   银杏能增强记忆 吗 ?   期刊摘选   Ginkgo leaf has certain medicinal function and health care function.
gikf翻译成中文_将自己名字翻译成韩文   银杏叶具有一定的药用作用和保健功能.   期刊摘选   Every M 3 already exceeded 3000 dollars on ginkgo lumber international market.
gikf翻译成中文_将自己名字翻译成韩文   银杏木材国际市场上每m3已超过3000美.   期刊摘选   Every autumn leaves from the Beijing’s many ginkgo trees fall thick and yellow.
gikf翻译成中文_将自己名字翻译成韩文   每年秋天当北京的银杏树叶开始飘落,树下会堆积厚厚一层的黄色树叶.   期刊摘选   Giang capsule into the tribute due to ginkgo expensive Central Plains.
gikf翻译成中文_将自己名字翻译成韩文   绛囊因入贡,银杏贵中州.   期刊摘选   There are four widely different living groups: the cycads , ginkgo, conifers , gnetophytes, and several fossil groups.
gikf翻译成中文_将自己名字翻译成韩文   分为四个不同的类群: 苏铁类 、 银杏类 、 松柏类、买麻藤类植物以及一些化石类群.   期刊摘选   OBJECTIVE To optimize the shaping technology of the Ginkgo extract dispersible tablet.
gikf翻译成中文_将自己名字翻译成韩文   目的优选银杏叶提取物分散片的成型工艺条件.   期刊摘选   Buy: Concentrated ginseng extracts , Echina cea, ginkgo biloba All the products must be soluble for drinks.
gikf翻译成中文_将自己名字翻译成韩文   采购: 人参,人参提取物, 银杏提取物等.产品需要可溶性好以生产饮料用.   期刊摘选   With ginkgo leaves flying in the autumn sky, Principal piece.
gikf翻译成中文_将自己名字翻译成韩文   秋日银杏叶满天, 校长执笔树下签.   期刊摘选   Their ability to recall the rapidly presented material increased significantly after ingestion of ginkgo.
gikf翻译成中文_将自己名字翻译成韩文   这些人在服用了银杏之后,对于快速呈现物品的记忆能力有显著增加.   期刊摘选   Leading memory experts, however, are skeptical about ginkgo and other brain boosters.
gikf翻译成中文_将自己名字翻译成韩文   然而, 有影响的记忆专家们对银杏和其它的健脑制剂表示怀疑.   期刊摘选   Quietly, I came to ginkgo tree.
gikf翻译成中文_将自己名字翻译成韩文   悄悄地, 我来到银杏树下.   期刊摘选   Countless people swear that ginkgo has changed their lives.
gikf翻译成中文_将自己名字翻译成韩文   数不清的人非常肯定地说银杏制改变了他们的生活.   期刊摘选   Conclusion: Ginkgo Dew is a good TCM preparation for relieving cough and removing sputa.
gikf翻译成中文_将自己名字翻译成韩文   结论: 银杏露是良好的止咳、祛痰中药制剂.   期刊摘选   Leaf collection is currently one of the major aims of ginkgo gardens.
gikf翻译成中文_将自己名字翻译成韩文   采叶是当今银杏建园的主要经营目的之一.   期刊摘选   Methods: To optimize the extraction process of Folium Ginkgo and Rhizomo Chuanxiong by orthogonal test.
gikf翻译成中文_将自己名字翻译成韩文   方法: 对君药银杏叶、川芎的提取工艺用正交试验进行优选.   期刊摘选   Its ingredients include the quintessence of such precious herbs as ginseng, ginkgo, honeysuckle, herba violae.
gikf翻译成中文_将自己名字翻译成韩文   含人参 、 银杏 、 金银花 、 紫花地丁等多种名贵草本植物精华.   期刊摘选   The ecological environment quality fo Ginkgo biloba GAP base was monitored soil , water and air etc.
gikf翻译成中文_将自己名字翻译成韩文   采用相关方法对贵州省普定银杏GAP种植 基地的生态环境质量进行监测和综合评价.   期刊摘选   Looked up and stays a thick ginkgo leaves immortal green.
gikf翻译成中文_将自己名字翻译成韩文   抬头一望,浓密的银杏树叶撑一片不朽的绿色.   期刊摘选   This paper introduces the research and preparation, health efficacy, producing route of ginkgo walnut latex.
gikf翻译成中文_将自己名字翻译成韩文   介绍了银杏核桃乳的制备方法, 并对其保健功效及工艺流程进行了说明.   期刊摘选   Investigations show that rich wild ginkgo germplasm resources still remain in Wuchuan County of Guizhou Province.
gikf翻译成中文_将自己名字翻译成韩文   调查研究证明:贵州省务川县至今存在着较丰富的野银杏种质资源.   期刊摘选   Ginkgo biloba leaves and butterflies are in order to add a romantic atmosphere.
gikf翻译成中文_将自己名字翻译成韩文   银杏叶和蝴蝶均是为了添加浪漫的氛围.   期刊摘选   Ginkgo adaptability to soil conditions, acidic soil, neutral soil or calcareous soil can produce.
gikf翻译成中文_将自己名字翻译成韩文   银杏对土壤条件适应性强 、 酸性土 、 中性土或钙质土均能生成.   期刊摘选   Ginkgo Biloba increases moisture retention in the upper layers of the skin and soothes irritation.
gikf翻译成中文_将自己名字翻译成韩文   银杏增加保留在上层皮肤的水分,舒缓刺激.   期刊摘选   Ginkgo biloba leaf petiole, is actually composed of many vein from the collection of bundle group.
gikf翻译成中文_将自己名字翻译成韩文   银杏叶的叶柄, 实际上是由许多叶脉集合而成的维管束群.   期刊摘选


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