
英文bias是什么意思_bia唧bia唧是什么意思bia是什么意思,bia怎么读,bia翻译为:[医][=bacte提示:例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释The villagers of santi suk launched their currency , which they called ” bia , ” the local di

bia是什么意思,bia怎么读,bia翻译为:[医][=bacte   提示:例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释   The villagers of santi suk launched their currency , which they called ” bia , ” the local dialect word for ” seedling , ” in the wake of the 1997-98 crisis .   1997至1998年的金融危机之后,讪滴戌村村民发行了自己的货币,他们称之为“bia”,这个字在当地方言中意为“幼苗”。   Then he flips his middle finger in the bia ‘s direction .   然后他朝着事务局的方向比了比中指。   Later on tuesday , mr ahern will address an enterprise ireland lunch and visit a seminar organised by bord bia for south african meat importers .   周二迟些时候,埃亨先生将在爱尔兰企业部午宴上致辞,后参加由爱尔兰食品局为南非肉类进口商举行的研讨会。   To sustain facebook ‘s valuation , jed williams , an analyst with bia kelsey , said the company would need to grow revenue at 41 % each year in the next five years .   市场研究和数据分析公司biakelsey的分析师威廉姆斯(jedwilliams)认为,要想证明估值合理,facebook未来五年每年的收入增幅必须达到41%。   Such businesses currently spend about $ 20 billion annually online — including for ads on google ‘s search engine — but are expected to shell out more than $ 35 billion by 2014 , according to bia / kelsey , a local-media advisory firm .   据一家地方媒体咨询公司bia/kelsey报道,企业目前每年在网上花费200亿美–包括谷歌搜索引擎的广告–预计在2014年,此花费将达到350亿美。


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