
speechlessly什么意思_spearman什么意思speechlessnessI’m… speechless. I don’t know what to say.我很意外 不知道该说什么了If it were truly incredible, you would be

speechlessness   I’m… speechless. I don’t know what to say.   我很意外 不知道该说什么了   If it were truly incredible, you would be speechless.   如果真的难以置信 你就会无言以对了   anything that has you speechless has me concerned.   你不说话我就知道没什么好事   I’ve never seen her so speechless before.   我从来没见过她这么语无伦次   And I’m lost for words, I’m speechless.   我不知该说什么 我无语了   First time I saw it, I was speechless, too.   我第一次看的时候 也哑口无言   I don’t think I’ve ever seen you speechless.   我似乎从没见过你无语的样子   Dumbstruck and speechless mean the same thing.   无言以对和膛目结舌是一个意思   When I gave your mother that microwave for our anniversary, she was speechless.   结婚纪念日我送给*微波炉时 她都激动的说不出话了   Yeah, I’d be speechless, too, if I found myself married to a luminary.   对 我也会无语 如果我发现自己嫁给了一位大师


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