
minibuses是什么意思_mini是几座minibusminibus的意思、解释  复数形式:minibuses;minibus 基本解释minibus的翻译名词小型公共汽车,小巴minibus的近义词minibus 相关例句名词1. Some of the children living o

minibus   minibus的意思、解释     复数形式:minibuses;   minibus 基本解释   minibus的翻译   名词小型公共汽车,小巴   minibus的近义词minibus 相关例句   名词   1. Some of the children living on the farms go to school in a minibus.   有些住在农场上的孩子乘坐小型公共汽车去上学。minibus 网络解释   1. 小巴:所以被收走了4MR. 这趟巴士晚上7点还有的,我们吃玩烧烤排挡再回tune,一点都不赶. 最晚几点?我没问呢. 4、坐city bus最好,又大又漂亮,还不用管几路车(只有一路嘛中巴的话要问一下到不到1borneo;小巴(minibus)基本不到1 borneo.   2. 小巴士:从机场可搭乘公交车、出租车、自行租车或14人座的共乘小巴士(Minibus)进入市区,阿曼的出租车没有里程累计表,费用视前往的地点而定,政府虽设立收费标准,但游客搭乘前不妨多比较价钱.   3. minibus的意思   3. 小型客车:小型客车(minibus) 小型客车是用于载运乘客,除驾驶员座位外,座位数不超过16座的客车. 旅游客车(touringcoach) 旅游客车是一种为旅游而设计和装备的客车. 这种车辆的布置要确保乘客的舒适性,不载运站立的乘客.minibus 双语例句   1. Minibus, because of its shape is different from other types automobile, the aerodynamic research on minibus can help us know deeply its aerodynamic characteristics and help us improve the dynamic characteristics, fue.   微型厢式汽车,由于区别于其它车型的造型结构,对其进行空气动力特性的研究对于了解该车的气动特性和提高微型厢式汽车的动力性、经济性、操纵稳定性和舒适性有非常重要的意义。   2. In this paper, the theory of numerical simulation on minibus`external flow field is stated, the calculation tool is introduced.   本文陈述了微型厢式汽车外流场数值模拟的理论基础,介绍了采用的数值模拟的计算工具。   3. The impact test of the improved design indicated that the deformation of the frontal part reduced about 50mm, the frontal doors were openable normally after the impact test, and the frontal crashworthiness of this minibus was improved to meet the requirement of the Safety Regulation.   改进后的碰撞试验表明,车架前部变形量减少了大约50mm,从而使得前排两个车门在碰撞后能够正常开启,提高了该车的结构耐撞性能,为该车通过正面碰撞法规试验奠定了坚实的基础。   4. minibus在线翻译   4. The boy ran into a minibus when riding in the streat, and he was at death’s door.   在街上骑车的男孩被一辆小型客车撞到,生命垂危。   5. Obviously, he does not know how to repair minibus at all.   很明显,他一点儿也不知道怎样修理小汽车。   6. Our minibus can hold up to eight people.   我们的小车能容纳8人。   7. I was vaguely felt minibus people are shifting their attention to me.   我当时依稀感觉到中巴车上的人都将目光投向了我。   8. minibus的近义词   8. No, let’s go by minibus.   不,让我们乘小型巴士去吧。   9. Some of the children living on the farms go to school in a minibus.   有些住在农场上的孩子乘坐小型公共汽车去上学。   10. I go to school by minibus.   我去学校坐小型公共汽车。   11. minibus   11. This is after a bomb exploded on a minibus taking people to work.   炸弹是在一辆班车上被引爆的。   12. minibus在线翻译   12. Another: Used SUV 81000 hegemonic 4000, Sea lions and bread HIACE Manual 13-seater luxury minibus 52000, Camry Camry 2.4 Standard 61000 Contact Phone: 013, 489, 439, 851 Moore Stephens.   另有:二手霸道4000越野车8.1万,海狮面包HIACE 手动13人座豪华小客车5.2万,佳美Camry 2.4 标准型6.1万联系电话:0施云。   13. On the eve of departure one of the group receives a visit from Terry, a man with no legs in a wheelchair, claiming he can get them a free minibus and free diese…   在启程之前,一个坐着轮椅的残疾人要求随行,并免费提供小巴士和油钱,大家要做的就是带着他去看球。   14. minibus在线翻译   14. And we were all in the back of a minibus headed towards Derry one morning.   一天早晨我们坐上小巴士的后座前往德瑞尔   15. When a micro minibus ran in 14560 kM, the fracture occurred at the first crank near crankpin.   某微型面包车用发动机曲轴在运行14560km时,第一曲拐靠近曲柄销处发生断裂。   16. Property prices— in many ways the best measure of theterritory’s success because they are followed so closely by the man on the Kowloon minibus—dipped after the handover and againafter SARS, but are now once again rising to stratospheric levels.   a$ w,f%|9 h% Z 貌似很复杂,但是只有三句话!而且,这么一堆东西里面,只有一个because引导的状语从句。可见,从句的多寡完全不是半丁句型结构是否多样的标准!   17. For return transport, from Brook House or Tinsley House IRCs to Gatwick bus/train station, a minibus will be available between 14:30 hours and 21:20 hours   在14:30至21:20,有往返于移民遣送中心Brook或Tinsley拘留所到公交车站或火车站的小巴士。   18. I can build model in scale1/36 or 1/24, but in this case I need to buy minibus for carrige the model on competitions.   我可能制作比例1/36或1/24的模型,但在这种情况下,我需要购买小巴来携带模型去比赛。   19. minibus   19. There are regular boat and minibus services to the beach.   有定期船和小巴服务到海滩。   20. From the army to the local, I had driven American Ford Truck, American Jeep, Shanghai Tricar, the former Soviet Gasi 69, British Standa Car, Nanjing Gasi, Beijing Hongye middle-sized bus, China made bus, Japanese Toyota minibus and Beijing jeep.   从部队到地方,我开过美国福特卡车、美国吉普、上海三轮汽车、苏联嘎斯69、英国斯坦达轿车、南京嘎斯、北京红叶中巴、国产大客车、日本丰田小巴、北京吉普。我从司机到调度、车管员、车队长、科长。minibus 词典解释   1. 小型公共汽车;中巴   A minibus is a large van which has seats in the back for passengers, and windows along its sides.   minibus的反义词   e.g. He was then taken by minibus to the military base.   他随后被一辆中巴车带到了军事基地。minibus 单语例句   1. All the money collected was to go to a philanthropic fund to buy a minibus for a local charity.   2. The official says Saturday’s accident took place when a speeding truck heading to Ismailia located 120 km east of Cairo crashed against the minibus.   3. A church leader said gunmen waylaid a minibus outside the northern city of Kirkuk and seized four Christian men.   4. The minibus driver suffered from chronic disease and was divorced by his wife last month.   5. Huang found Shang sitting dazed in the driver’s seat after colliding with a minibus.   6. Armed police found the contraband in two laptop computers carried by two men on a minibus.   7. The van crashed against a minibus before knocking down fences and crashing into a lane designated for public buses.   8. Friday’s clashes began before dawn when a minibus filled with Hamas gunmen opened fire at a Fatah security force manning a new roadblock.   9. A minibus full of civilians struck a roadside bomb in southern Afghanistan early Sunday, and Afghan officials said six of those on board were killed.   10. A police officer said the truck was overspeeding when it crashed into the minibus that was driving at normal speed in its front.minibusminibus 英英释义   noun   1. a light bus (4 to 10 passengers)


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