
spin是什么意思英语翻译成中文_spin是什么spin用作动词 (v.) spin along (v.+adv.)

spin   用作动词 (v.) spin along (v.+adv.) 向前奔驰 move forward easily and quite quickly with a rolling movement   spin along   The car was spinning along nicely when suddenly the engine made a peculiar noise and stopped.   汽车正向前飞驰,突然引擎发出一声怪叫便停止了转动。   The carriage was spinning along at a good speed.   马车以高速飞驰。 spin off (v.+adv.) 旋转着脱位 leave its position, with a rolling movement   spin off   Luckily we were not going very fast when the wheel spun off and the car crashed into the fence.   幸运的是,汽车轮子脱位撞到围栏上时,我们没开得很快。 spin out (v.+adv.) 尽量使某物延长〔持续〕 make it last as long as possibleThey tried to gain time by spinning out the negotiation.他们企图拖延谈判以争取时间。   spin round (v.+adv.) 快速旋转或回转 turn round very fast   spin round   I spun round to see who had spoken.   我转身看是谁讲话。   He spun round at the sound of his name, ready to defend himself.   他一听到喊他的名字就转过身来,准备自卫。   The skater spun round and round on the ice.   溜冰者不停地在冰上打转转。   The car spun round on the oily road, and the driver was helpless to control it.   汽车在滑溜溜的道上旋转,司机无法控制。 spin sth ⇔ round   He spun the revolving door round and round.   他把那个旋转门转了又转。


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