
dress什么意思中文翻译怎么读_dress是裙子吗dress用作动词 (v.) dress down (v.+adv.)

dress   用作动词 (v.) dress down (v.+adv.) 责骂,斥责 scold; tell off   dress down   She dressed down to visit her poor relatives, so as not to offend them by a show of her wealth.   她访问穷亲戚时穿得比较俭朴,以免因显示阔气而伤害他们的感情。 dress sb ⇔ down   The father dressed his boy down for his carelessness.   父亲斥责孩子粗心大意。   The manager dressed the worker down for his carelessness.   经理责备这个工人粗心。   For not obeying discipline, the soldier was dressed down by the officer.   因为没有遵守纪律,那个士兵被军官狠狠地训了一顿。   The office boy was dressed down for his insolence.   办公室的勤杂员因无礼被训斥了一通。 dress for (v.+prep.) (为某一场合)穿适当的衣服 dress up for some goals (wedding, party, etc.)   dress for sth   Try to dress appropriately for each occasion.   尽量穿得适合时宜。   He dressed for dinner.   他身着礼服赴宴会去了。   Tell the guests not to dress for dinner.   告诉客人不必为赴宴会而穿礼服。   How should we dress for the party?   我们穿什么衣服参加这次聚会才好呢?   Do I need to dress for the theatre?   我需要穿礼服去戏院看戏吗?   If you’re going to climb mountains, you’d better take advice on how to dress for it.   如果要去爬山,你最好问问人家爬山穿什么衣服好。 dress in (v.+prep.) 穿着…衣服 wear; put on   dress oneself/sb in sth   We are going to dress the baby in new clothes and take her to the park.   我们要给小孩子穿上新衣服,带她到公园去。   He’s dressed in silk.   他穿着绸料衣服。   Jane is always dressed in red.   珍妮总穿红色衣服。   We must be dressed in uniform at school.   在学校我们必须穿制服。   They were dressed in their Sunday best.   他们穿着最好的衣裳。   The young man was dressed in a white satin clothes and wore a hat covered with an ostrich plume.   这个小伙子身穿白色绸子服,头戴毡帽,帽子上插了一根鸵鸟的羽毛。 dress out (v.+adv.) 装饰,美化 ornament (sth); make (sth) more beautiful and cheerful   dress sth ⇔ out   The street was dressed out in flags when the victory was won.   取得胜利后,街上挂满了旗帜。 dress up (v.+adv.) 〈军〉将(士兵)排成一列 arrange (soldiers) in a straight line   dress up   She often dresses up and goes out at night.   她晚上经常穿上盛装出去。   They dressed up for the occasion.   为了参加这个活动,他们都穿上盛装。   They all dressed up to take part in the New Year’s party.   他们都穿上盛装,去参加除夕晚会。   Are we going to dress up for the wedding, or is it informal?   我们参加婚礼是穿戴正式些还是不拘礼仪?   She dressed up in Miao clothes.   她穿上了苗族服装。 dress sb/sth ⇔ up   They dressed the children up.   他们把孩子打扮得漂漂亮亮。   The mother dressed her daughter up like a princess.   那位母亲把她女儿打扮得像个公主。   She dressed her children up for the festival.   节日里她给孩子们穿上最好最漂亮的衣服。   The girl has dressed up her hair.   这位姑娘把头发梳理好了。   We shall dress the room up for Christmas.   我们要收拾房屋过圣诞节。   He dressed up his statement to deceive the voters.   他用花言巧语来欺骗选民。   She hated being dressed up.   她讨厌打扮自己。 dress sb/sth ⇔ up as n.   Tom dressed up the story and made it seem twice as interesting as it was.   汤姆把故事讲得有声有色,趣味倍增。 dress oneself/sb ⇔ up as n.   She dressed herself up as a ghost.   她把自己打扮成鬼。   The children dressed themselves up as pirates.   孩子们打扮成海盗。   She was dressed up as a lady of high society.   她把自己打扮成一位贵妇人。 dress up   The children enjoy dressing up in Mother’s old clothes.   孩子们喜欢穿上妈妈旧时的衣服玩。 dress sb ⇔ up   Dress up the men so that the general can see them.   将战士们排成一列,这样将军就能看到他们。


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