

spineless是什么意思_spineless用英语怎么说_spineless的翻译_spineless翻译成_spineless的中文意思_spineless怎么读,spineless的读音,spineless的用法,spineless的例句   全部懦弱的   …bureaucrats and spineless politicians.
speechless的汉语意思_loveless啥意思   官僚和懦弱的政客们   柯林斯高阶英语词典   How long will I endure the insincere prayers of your spineless subjects?
speechless的汉语意思_loveless啥意思   我究竟还要忍耐多久你这种虚情假意的祷告?   期刊摘选   He’s too spineless to ask for more money.
speechless的汉语意思_loveless啥意思   他没有勇气要求更多的钱.   期刊摘选   EXAMPLE: The spineless employee was scared to ask his surly boss for a raise.
speechless的汉语意思_loveless啥意思   这位怯懦的员工不敢跟他专横的老板提加薪.   期刊摘选   And you can laugh a spineless laugh!
speechless的汉语意思_loveless啥意思   懦弱的人们,你们笑吧!   期刊摘选   During his life Confucius loathed spineless, fawning sycophants, but he particularly phony gentlemen who appeared respectable.
speechless的汉语意思_loveless啥意思   孔子一生不耻没气节或巧言令色的小人, 但他尤其最痛恶与貌似恭谨的伪君子为伍.   期刊摘选   Teachers usually are pretty spineless , but you university professors are even worse.
speechless的汉语意思_loveless啥意思   大凡教书的人总是那么灰色的, 大学教授更甚.   期刊摘选   And you can laugh spineless laugh, we hope your rules and wisdom choke you.
speechless的汉语意思_loveless啥意思   你可以蔑视那些缺乏骨气的笑声, 我们期盼着你们制订的规律和守则令你们窒息.   期刊摘选   If you feel that George Bush has been spineless overseas, Mr Giuliani is undoubtedly your man.
speechless的汉语意思_loveless啥意思   如果你认为乔治·布什在海外事务上胆小的话, 朱利安尼毫无疑问是你中意的人.   期刊摘选   My supervisor is a spineless person. He never stands behind his decisions.
speechless的汉语意思_loveless啥意思   我的主管是一个没骨气的人. 他不敢为他做的决定负责.   期刊摘选   A jellyfish is a spineless animal.
speechless的汉语意思_loveless啥意思   水母是无脊椎动物.   期刊摘选


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