
给线程设置优先级_线程的优先级是在创建线程时设置的1. 从一个线上问题说起最近在线上遇到了一些[HMDConfigManager remoteConfigWithAppID:]卡死1.1 初步分析观察了下主线程堆栈,用到的锁是读写锁:随后又去翻了下持有着锁的子线程,有各种各

1. 从一个线上问题说起

最近在线上遇到了一些[HMDConfigManager remoteConfigWithAppID:]卡死

1.1 初步分析







通过观察发现,出问题的线程都有QOS:BACKGROUND标记。整体看起来持有锁的子线程仍然在执行,只是留给主线程的时间不够了。为什么这些子线程在持有锁的情况下,需要执行这么久,直到主线程的 8s 卡死?一种情况就是真的如此耗时,另一种则是出现了优先级反转。

1.2 解决办法


1.2.1方案一:去除对 NSOperationQueue 的优先级设置

在 Threading Programming Guide 文档中,苹果给出了提示:

Important: It is generally a good idea to leave the priorities of your threads at their default values. Increasing the priorities of some threads also increases the likelihood of starvation among lower-priority threads. If your application contains high-priority and low-priority threads that must interact with each other, the starvation of lower-priority threads may block other threads and create performance bottlenecks.


1.2.2 方案二:临时修改线程优先级

在 pthread_rwlock_rdlock(3pthread) 发现了如下提示:

Realtime applications may encounter priority inversion when using read-write locks. The problem occurs when a high priority thread “locks” a read-write lock that is about to be “unlocked” by a low priority thread, but the low priority thread is preempted by a medium priority thread. This scenario leads to priority inversion; a high priority thread is blocked by lower priority threads for an unlimited period of time. During system design, realtime programmers must take into account the possibility of this kind of priority inversion. They can deal with it in a number of ways, such as by having critical sections that are guarded by read-write locks execute at a high priority, so that a thread cannot be preempted while executing in its critical section.

尽管针对的是实时系统,但是还是有一些启示和帮助。按照提示,对有问题的代码进行了修改:在线程通过 pthread_rwlock_wrlock 拿到 _rwlock 的时候,临时提升其优先级,在释放 _rwlock 之后,恢复其原先的优先级。

- (id)remoteConfigWithAppID:(NSString *)appID { ....... pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&_rwlock); HMDHeimdallrConfig *result = ....... // get existing config pthread_rwlock_unlock(&_rwlock); if(result == nil) { result = [[HMDHeimdallrConfig alloc] init]; // make a new config pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&_rwlock); qos_class_t oldQos = qos_class_self(); BOOL needRecover = NO; // 临时提升线程优先级 if (_enablePriorityInversionProtection && oldQos < QOS_CLASS_USER_INTERACTIVE) { int ret = pthread_set_qos_class_self_np(QOS_CLASS_USER_INTERACTIVE, 0); needRecover = (ret == 0); } ...... pthread_rwlock_unlock(&_rwlock); // 恢复线程优先级 if (_enablePriorityInversionProtection && needRecover) { pthread_set_qos_class_self_np(oldQos, 0); } } return result; } 


1.3 Demo 验证


for (int j = 0; j < 2000; ++j) { NSOperationQueue *operation = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init]; operation.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 1; operation.qualityOfService = NSQualityOfServiceUserInitiated; // 模块1 // if (j % 100 == 0) { // operation.qualityOfService = NSQualityOfServiceBackground; // } // 模块1 [operation addOperationWithBlock:^{ // 模块2 // qos_class_t oldQos = qos_class_self(); // pthread_set_qos_class_self_np(QOS_CLASS_USER_INITIATED, 0); // 模块2 NSTimeInterval start = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent(); double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ; ++i) { sum += sin(i) + cos(i) + sin(i*2) + cos(i*2); } start = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - start; if (j % 100 == 0) { printf("%.8f\n", start * 1000); } // 模块2 // pthread_set_qos_class_self_np(oldQos, 0); // 模块2 }]; } 




  1. 正常情况下,每个任务的平均耗时为:11.;
  2. operation被设置为低优先级时,其耗时大幅度提升为:94.;
  3. operation被设置为低优先级时,又在Block中手动恢复其原有的优先级,其耗时已经大幅度降低:15.0(耗时比正常情况高,大家可以思考下为什么)


1.4 上线效果



  1. 第一个阶段如第1个红框所示,从36号开始在版本19.7上有较大幅度的下降,主要原因:堆栈中被等待的队列信息由QOS:BACKGROUND变为了com.apple.root.default-qos,队列的优先级从QOS_CLASS_BACKGROUND提升为QOS_CLASS_DEFAULT,相当于实施了方案一,使用了默认优先级。
  2. 第二个阶段如第2个红框所示,从424号在版本20.3上开始验证。目前看起来效果暂时不明显,推测一个主要原因是:demo中是把优先级从QOS_CLASS_BACKGROUND提升为QOS_CLASS_USER_INITIATED,而线上相当于把队列的优先级从默认的优先级QOS_CLASS_DEFAULT提升为QOS_CLASS_USER_INITIATED


b. QOS_CLASS_DEFAULTMach层级优先级数是31;



2. 深刻理解优先级反转


2.1 什么是优先级反转?

优先级反转,是指某同步资源被较低优先级的进程/线程所拥有,较高优先级的进程/线程竞争该同步资源未获得该资源,而使得较高优先级进程/线程反而推迟被调度执行的现象。根据阻塞类型的不同,优先级反转又被分为Bounded priority inversionUnbounded priority inversion

这里借助 Introduction to RTOS – Solution to Part 11 的图进行示意。

2.1.1 Bounded priority inversion

如图所示,高优先级任务(Task H)被持有锁的低优先级任务(Task L)阻塞,由于阻塞的时间取决于低优先级任务在临界区的时间(持有锁的时间),所以被称为bounded priority inversion。只要Task L一直持有锁,Task H就会一直被阻塞,低优先级的任务运行在高优先级任务的前面,优先级被反转。



2.1.2 Unbounded priority inversion

Task L持有锁的情况下,如果有一个中间优先级的任务(Task M)打断了Task L,前面的bounded就会变为unbounded,因为Task M只要抢占了Task LCPU,就可能会阻塞Task H任意多的时间(Task M可能不止1个)。


2.2 优先级反转常规解决思路

目前解决Unbounded priority inversion2种方法:一种被称作优先权极限(priority ceiling protocol),另一种被称作优先级继承(priority inheritance)。

2.2.1 Priority ceiling protocol

在优先权极限方案中,系统把每一个临界资源与 1 个极限优先权相关联。当1个任务进入临界区时,系统便把这个极限优先权传递给这个任务,使得这个任务的优先权最高;当这个任务退出临界区后,系统立即把它的优先权恢复正常,从而保证系统不会出现优先权反转的情况。该极限优先权的值是由所有需要该临界资源的任务的最大优先级来决定的。

如图所示,锁的极限优先权是 3。当Task L持有锁的时候,它的优先级将会被提升到3,和Task H一样的优先级。这样就可以阻止Task M(优先级是2)的运行,直到Task LTask H不再需要该锁。


2.2.2 Priority inheritance



priority ceiling protocol和priority inheritance都会在释放锁的时候,恢复低优先级任务的优先级。同时要注意,以上2种方法只能阻止Unbounded priority inversion,而无法阻止Bounded priority inversion(Task H必须等待Task L执行完毕才能执行,这个反转是无法避免的)。

可以通过以下几种发生来避免或者转移Bounded priority inversion

  1. 减少临界区的执行时间,减少Bounded priority inversion的反转耗时;
  2. 避免使用会阻塞高优先级任务的临界区资源;
  3. 专门使用一个队列来管理资源,避免使用锁。


3. 如何避免优先级反转?

3.1 QoS 传递

iOS 系统主要使用以下两种机制来在不同线程(或 queue)间传递 QoS

机制 1:dispatch_async

    • dispatch_async() automatically propagates the QoS from the calling thread, though it will translate User Interactive to User Initiated to avoid assigning that priority to non-main threads.
    • Capturedattimeofblocksubmission,translateuserinteractivetouserinitiated.UsedifdestinationqueuedoesnothaveaQoSanddoesnotlowertheQoS(exdispatch_asyncbacktothemainthread).

机制 2:基于 XPC 的进程间通信(IPC

系统的 QoS 传递规则比较复杂,主要参考以下信息:

  • 当前线程的 QoS
  • 如果是使用 dispatch_block_create() 方法生成的 dispatch_block,则考虑生成 block时所调用的参数
  • dispatch_asyncIPC 的目标 queue 或线程的 QoS

调度程序会根据这些信息决定 block 以什么优先级运行。

  1. 如果没有其他线程同步地等待此 block,则 block就按上面所说的优先级来运行。
  2. 如果出现了线程间同步等待的情况,则调度程序会根据情况调整线程的运行优先级。

3.2 如何触发优先级反转避免机制?

如果当前线程因等待某线程(线程 1)上正在进行的操作(如 block1)而受阻,而系统知道 block1 所在的目标线程(owner),系统会通过提高相关线程的优先级来解决优先级反转的问题。反之如果系统不知道 block1 所在目标线程,则无法知道应该提高谁的优先级,也就无法解决反转问题;

记录了持有者信息(owner)的系统 API 如下:

  1. pthread mutexos_unfair_lock、以及基于这二者实现的上层APIa. dispatch_once 的实现是基于 os_unfair_lockb. NSLockNSRecursiveLock@synchronized 等的实现是基于 pthreadmutex
  2. dispatch_syncdispatch_wait
  3. xpc_connection_send_with_message_sync

使用以上这些 API 能够在发生优先级反转时使系统启用优先级反转避免机制。

3.3 基础 API 验证


测试验证环境:模拟器 iOS15.2

3.3.1 pthread mutex

pthread mutex的数据结构pthread_mutex_s其中有一个m_tid字段,专门来记录持有该锁的线程Id

// types_internal.h struct pthread_mutex_s { long sig; _pthread_lock lock; union { uint32_t value; struct pthread_mutex_options_s options; } mtxopts; int16_t prioceiling; int16_t priority; #if defined(__LP64__) uint32_t _pad; #endif union { struct { uint32_t m_tid[2]; // thread id of thread that has mutex locked uint32_t m_seq[2]; // mutex sequence id uint32_t m_mis[2]; // for misaligned locks m_tid/m_seq will span into here } psynch; struct _pthread_mutex_ulock_s ulock; }; #if defined(__LP64__) uint32_t _reserved[4]; #else uint32_t _reserved[1]; #endif }; 


// printThreadPriority用来打印线程的优先级信息 void printThreadPriority() { thread_t cur_thread = mach_thread_self(); mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), cur_thread); mach_msg_type_number_t thread_info_count = THREAD_INFO_MAX; thread_info_data_t thinfo; kern_return_t kr = thread_info(cur_thread, THREAD_EXTENDED_INFO, (thread_info_t)thinfo, &thread_info_count); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) { return; } thread_extended_info_t extend_info = (thread_extended_info_t)thinfo; printf("pth_priority: %d, pth_curpri: %d, pth_maxpriority: %d\n", extend_info->pth_priority, extend_info->pth_curpri, extend_info->pth_maxpriority); } 


dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0), ^{ printf("begin : \n"); printThreadPriority(); printf("queue before lock \n"); pthread_mutex_lock(&_lock); //确保 backgroundQueue 先得到锁 printf("queue lock \n"); printThreadPriority(); dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ printf("before main lock\n"); pthread_mutex_lock(&_lock); printf("in main lock\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&_lock); printf("after main unlock\n"); }); sleep(10); printThreadPriority(); printf("queue unlock\n"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&_lock); printf("queue after unlock\n"); }); 
begin : pth_priority: 4, pth_curpri: 4, pth_maxpriority: 63 queue before lock queue lock pth_priority: 4, pth_curpri: 4, pth_maxpriority: 63 before main lock pth_priority: 47, pth_curpri: 47, pth_maxpriority: 63 queue unlock in main lock after main unlock queue after unlock 


3.3.2 os_unfair_lock


 dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0), ^{ printf("begin : \n"); printThreadPriority(); printf("queue before lock \n"); os_unfair_lock_lock(&_unfair_lock); //确保 backgroundQueue 先得到锁 printf("queue lock \n"); printThreadPriority(); dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ printf("before main lock\n"); os_unfair_lock_lock(&_unfair_lock); printf("in main lock\n"); os_unfair_lock_unlock(&_unfair_lock); printf("after main unlock\n"); }); sleep(10); printThreadPriority(); printf("queue unlock\n"); os_unfair_lock_unlock(&_unfair_lock); printf("queue after unlock\n"); }); 
begin : pth_priority: 4, pth_curpri: 4, pth_maxpriority: 63 queue before lock queue lock pth_priority: 4, pth_curpri: 4, pth_maxpriority: 63 before main lock pth_priority: 47, pth_curpri: 47, pth_maxpriority: 63 queue unlock in main lock after main unlock queue after unlock 

结果和pthread mutex一致。

3.3.3 pthread_rwlock_t

在 pthread_rwlock_init 有如下提示:

Caveats: Beware of priority inversion when using read-write locks. A high-priority thread may be blocked waiting on a read-write lock locked by a low-priority thread. The microkernel has no knowledge of read-write locks, and therefore can’t boost the low-priority thread to prevent the priority inversion.


struct pthread_rwlock_s { long sig; _pthread_lock lock; uint32_t unused:29, misalign:1, pshared:2; uint32_t rw_flags; #if defined(__LP64__) uint32_t _pad; #endif uint32_t rw_tid[2]; // thread id of thread that has exclusive (write) lock uint32_t rw_seq[4]; // rw sequence id (at 128-bit aligned boundary) uint32_t rw_mis[4]; // for misaligned locks rw_seq will span into here #if defined(__LP64__) uint32_t _reserved[34]; #else uint32_t _reserved[18]; #endif }; 

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id= 链接中提到:

xnu supports priority inheritance through “turnstiles“, a kernel-internal mechanism which is used by default by a number of locking primitives (list at [1]), including normal pthread mutexes (though not read-write locks [2]), as well as the os_unfair_lock API (via the ulock syscalls). With pthread mutexes, you can actually explicitly request priority inheritance by calling pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol [3] with PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT; the Apple implementation supports it, but currently ignores the protocol setting and just gives all mutexes priority inheritance.

大意是:XNU使用 turnstiles 内核机制进行优先级继承,这种机制被应用在 pthread mutex os_unfair_lock 上。

顺藤摸瓜,在ksyn_wait方法中找到了_kwq_use_turnstile的调用,其中的注释对读写锁解释的比较委婉,添加了 at least sometimes

pthread mutexes and rwlocks both (at least sometimes) know their owner and can use turnstiles. Otherwise, we pass NULL as the tstore to the shims so they wait on the global waitq.

// libpthread/kern/kern_synch.c int ksyn_wait(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq, kwq_queue_type_t kqi, uint32_t lockseq, int fit, uint64_t abstime, uint16_t kwe_flags, thread_continue_t continuation, block_hint_t block_hint) { thread_t th = current_thread(); uthread_t uth = pthread_kern->get_bsdthread_info(th); struct turnstile tstore = NULL; int res; assert(continuation != THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL); ksyn_waitq_element_t kwe = pthread_kern->uthread_get_uukwe(uth); bzero(kwe, sizeof(*kwe)); kwe->kwe_count = 1; kwe->kwe_lockseq = lockseq & PTHRW_COUNT_MASK; kwe->kwe_state = KWE_THREAD_INWAIT; kwe->kwe_uth = uth; kwe->kwe_thread = th; kwe->kwe_flags = kwe_flags; res = ksyn_queue_insert(kwq, kqi, kwe, lockseq, fit); if (res != 0) { //panic("psynch_rw_wrlock: failed to enqueue\n"); // XXX ksyn_wqunlock(kwq); return res; } PTHREAD_TRACE(psynch_mutex_kwqwait, kwq->kw_addr, kwq->kw_inqueue, kwq->kw_prepost.count, kwq->kw_intr.count); if (_kwq_use_turnstile(kwq)) { // pthread mutexes and rwlocks both (at least sometimes) know their // owner and can use turnstiles. Otherwise, we pass NULL as the // tstore to the shims so they wait on the global waitq. tstore = &kwq->kw_turnstile; } ...... } 


#define KSYN_WQTYPE_MTX 0x01 #define KSYN_WQTYPE_CVAR 0x02 #define KSYN_WQTYPE_RWLOCK 0x04 #define KSYN_WQTYPE_SEMA 0x08 static inline bool _kwq_use_turnstile(ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq) { // If we had writer-owner information from the // rwlock then we could use the turnstile to push on it. For now, only // plain mutexes use it. return (_kwq_type(kwq) == KSYN_WQTYPE_MTX); } 


void _pthread_find_owner(thread_t thread, struct stackshot_thread_waitinfo * waitinfo) { ksyn_wait_queue_t kwq = _pthread_get_thread_kwq(thread); switch (waitinfo->wait_type) { case kThreadWaitPThreadMutex: assert((kwq->kw_type & KSYN_WQTYPE_MASK) == KSYN_WQTYPE_MTX); waitinfo->owner = thread_tid(kwq->kw_owner); waitinfo->context = kwq->kw_addr; break; /* Owner of rwlock not stored in kernel space due to races. Punt * and hope that the userspace address is helpful enough. */ case kThreadWaitPThreadRWLockRead: case kThreadWaitPThreadRWLockWrite: assert((kwq->kw_type & KSYN_WQTYPE_MASK) == KSYN_WQTYPE_RWLOCK); waitinfo->owner = 0; waitinfo->context = kwq->kw_addr; break; /* Condvars don't have owners, so just give the userspace address. */ case kThreadWaitPThreadCondVar: assert((kwq->kw_type & KSYN_WQTYPE_MASK) == KSYN_WQTYPE_CVAR); waitinfo->owner = 0; waitinfo->context = kwq->kw_addr; break; case kThreadWaitNone: default: waitinfo->owner = 0; waitinfo->context = 0; break; } } 


pthread_rwlock_init(&_rwlock, NULL); dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0), ^{ printf("begin : \n"); printThreadPriority(); printf("queue before lock \n"); pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&_rwlock); //确保 backgroundQueue 先得到锁 printf("queue lock \n"); printThreadPriority(); dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ printf("before main lock\n"); pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&_rwlock); printf("in main lock\n"); pthread_rwlock_unlock(&_rwlock); printf("after main unlock\n"); }); sleep(10); printThreadPriority(); printf("queue unlock\n"); pthread_rwlock_unlock(&_rwlock); printf("queue after unlock\n"); }); 
begin : pth_priority: 4, pth_curpri: 4, pth_maxpriority: 63 queue before lock queue lock pth_priority: 4, pth_curpri: 4, pth_maxpriority: 63 before main lock pth_priority: 4, pth_curpri: 4, pth_maxpriority: 63 queue unlock queue after unlock in main lock after main unlock 


3.3.4 dispatch_sync


// 当前线程为主线程 dispatch_queue_attr_t qosAttribute = dispatch_queue_attr_make_with_qos_class(DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL, QOS_CLASS_BACKGROUND, 0); _queue = dispatch_queue_create("com.demo.test", qosAttribute); printThreadPriority(); dispatch_async(_queue, ^{ printf("dispatch_async before dispatch_sync : \n"); printThreadPriority(); }); dispatch_sync(_queue, ^{ printf("dispatch_sync: \n"); printThreadPriority(); }); dispatch_async(_queue, ^{ printf("dispatch_async after dispatch_sync: \n"); printThreadPriority(); }); 
pth_priority: 47, pth_curpri: 47, pth_maxpriority: 63 dispatch_async before dispatch_sync : pth_priority: 47, pth_curpri: 47, pth_maxpriority: 63 dispatch_sync: pth_priority: 47, pth_curpri: 47, pth_maxpriority: 63 dispatch_async after dispatch_sync: pth_priority: 4, pth_curpri: 4, pth_maxpriority: 63 


3.3.5 dispatch_wait

// 当前线程为主线程 dispatch_queue_attr_t qosAttribute = dispatch_queue_attr_make_with_qos_class(DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL, QOS_CLASS_BACKGROUND, 0); _queue = dispatch_queue_create("com.demo.test", qosAttribute); printf("main thread\n"); printThreadPriority(); dispatch_block_t block = dispatch_block_create(DISPATCH_BLOCK_INHERIT_QOS_CLASS, ^{ printf("sub thread\n"); sleep(2); printThreadPriority(); }); dispatch_async(_queue, block); dispatch_wait(block, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); 


main thread pth_priority: 47, pth_curpri: 47, pth_maxpriority: 63 sub thread pth_priority: 47, pth_curpri: 47, pth_maxpriority: 63 

而如果将dispatch_wait(block, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER)注释掉之后,输出如下:

main thread pth_priority: 47, pth_curpri: 47, pth_maxpriority: 63 sub thread pth_priority: 4, pth_curpri: 4, pth_maxpriority: 63 

值得注意的是,dispatch_wait是一个宏(C11的泛型),或者是一个入口函数,它可以接受dispatch_block_tdispatch_group_tdispatch_semaphore_t 3种类型的参数,但是这里的具体含义应该是指dispatch_block_wait,只有dispatch_block_wait会调整优先级,避免优先级反转。

intptr_t dispatch_wait(void *object, dispatch_time_t timeout); #if __has_extension(c_generic_selections) #define dispatch_wait(object, timeout) \ _Generic((object), \ dispatch_block_t:dispatch_block_wait, \ dispatch_group_t:dispatch_group_wait, \ dispatch_semaphore_t:dispatch_semaphore_wait \ )((object),(timeout)) #endif 

3.4 神秘的信号量

3.4.1 dispatch_semaphore

之前对dispatch_semaphore的认知非常浅薄,经常把二值信号量和互斥锁划等号。但是通过调研后发现:dispatch_semaphore 没有 QoS 的概念,没有记录当前持有信号量的线程(owner),所以有高优先级的线程在等待锁时,内核无法知道该提高哪个线程的调试优先级(QoS)。如果锁持有者优先级比其他线程低,高优先级的等待线程将一直等待。Mutexvs Semaphore: What’s the Difference? 一文详细比对了MutexSemaphore之间的区别。

Semaphores are for signaling (sames a condition variables, events) while mutexes are for mutual exclusion. Technically, you can also use semaphores for mutual exclusion (a mutex can be thought as a binary semaphore) but you really shouldn’t.

Right, but libdispatch doesn’t have a mutex. It has semaphores and queues. So if you’re trying to use libdispatch and you don’t want the closure-based aspect of queues, you might be tempted to use a semaphore instead. Don’t do that, use os_unfair_lock or pthread_mutex (or a higher-level construct like NSLock) instead.



__block NSString *taskName = nil; dispatch_semaphore_t sema = dispatch_semaphore_create(0); [self.connection.remoteObjectProxy requestCurrentTaskName:^(NSString *task) { taskName = task; dispatch_semaphore_signal(sema); }]; dispatch_semaphore_wait(sema, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); return taskName; 
  1. 假设在主线程执行这段代码,那么当前线程的优先级是QOS_CLASS_USER_INTERACTIVE
  2. 由于从主线程进行了异步,异步任务队列的QoS将会被提升为QOS_CLASS_USER_INITIATED
  3. 主线程被信号量sema阻塞,而负责释放该信号量的异步任务的优先级QOS_CLASS_USER_INITIATED低于主线程的优先级QOS_CLASS_USER_INTERACTIVE,因此可能会发生优先级反转。


static auto findGCDAntiPatternWithSemaphore() -> decltype(compoundStmt()) { const char *SemaphoreBinding = "semaphore_name"; auto SemaphoreCreateM = callExpr(allOf( callsName("dispatch_semaphore_create"), hasArgument(0, ignoringParenCasts(integerLiteral(equals(0)))))); auto SemaphoreBindingM = anyOf( forEachDescendant( varDecl(hasDescendant(SemaphoreCreateM)).bind(SemaphoreBinding)), forEachDescendant(binaryOperator(bindAssignmentToDecl(SemaphoreBinding), hasRHS(SemaphoreCreateM)))); auto HasBlockArgumentM = hasAnyArgument(hasType( hasCanonicalType(blockPointerType()) )); auto ArgCallsSignalM = hasAnyArgument(stmt(hasDescendant(callExpr( allOf( callsName("dispatch_semaphore_signal"), equalsBoundArgDecl(0, SemaphoreBinding) ))))); auto HasBlockAndCallsSignalM = allOf(HasBlockArgumentM, ArgCallsSignalM); auto HasBlockCallingSignalM = forEachDescendant( stmt(anyOf( callExpr(HasBlockAndCallsSignalM), objcMessageExpr(HasBlockAndCallsSignalM) ))); auto SemaphoreWaitM = forEachDescendant( callExpr( allOf( callsName("dispatch_semaphore_wait"), equalsBoundArgDecl(0, SemaphoreBinding) ) ).bind(WarnAtNode)); return compoundStmt( SemaphoreBindingM, HasBlockCallingSignalM, SemaphoreWaitM); } 


另外,dispatch_groupsemaphore 类似,在调用 enter() 方法时,无法预知谁会调用 leave(),所以系统也无法知道其 owner是谁,所以同样不会有优先级提升的问题。

3.4.2 信号量卡死现身说法


__block BOOL auth = NO; dispatch_semaphore_t semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0); [KTAuthorizeService requestAuthorizationWithType:KTPermissionsTypeCamera completionHandler:^(BOOL allow) { auth = allow; dispatch_semaphore_signal(semaphore); }]; dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphore, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); 




1. 使用同步API

BOOL auth = [KTAuthorizeService authorizationWithType:KTPermissionsTypeCamera]; // do something next 

2. 异步回调,不要在当前线程等待

[KTAuthorizeService requestAuthorizationWithType:KTPermissionsTypeCamera completionHandler:^(BOOL allow) { BOOL auth = allow; // do something next via callback }]; 

4. 几个概念

4.1 turnstile




struct turnstile { struct waitq ts_waitq; /* waitq embedded in turnstile */ turnstile_inheritor_t ts_inheritor; /* thread/turnstile inheriting the priority (IL, WL) */ union { struct turnstile_list ts_free_turnstiles; /* turnstile free list (IL) */ SLIST_ENTRY(turnstile) ts_free_elm; /* turnstile free list element (IL) */ }; struct priority_queue_sched_max ts_inheritor_queue; /* Queue of turnstile with us as an inheritor (WL) */ union { struct priority_queue_entry_sched ts_inheritor_links; /* Inheritor queue links */ struct mpsc_queue_chain ts_deallocate_link; /* thread deallocate link */ }; SLIST_ENTRY(turnstile) ts_htable_link; /* linkage for turnstile in global hash table */ uintptr_t ts_proprietor; /* hash key lookup turnstile (IL) */ os_refcnt_t ts_refcount; /* reference count for turnstiles */ _Atomic uint32_t ts_type_gencount; /* gen count used for priority chaining (IL), type of turnstile (IL) */ uint32_t ts_port_ref; /* number of explicit refs from ports on send turnstile */ turnstile_update_flags_t ts_inheritor_flags; /* flags for turnstile inheritor (IL, WL) */ uint8_t ts_priority; /* priority of turnstile (WL) */ #if DEVELOPMENT || DEBUG uint8_t ts_state; /* current state of turnstile (IL) */ queue_chain_t ts_global_elm; /* global turnstile chain */ thread_t ts_thread; /* thread the turnstile is attached to */ thread_t ts_prev_thread; /* thread the turnstile was attached before donation */ #endif }; 

4.2 优先级数值

在验证环节有一些优先级数值,这里借助「Mac OS® X and iOS Internals」解释一下:实验中涉及到的优先级数值都是相对于Mach层而言的,且都是用户线程数值。

  1. 用户线程的优先级是0~63;a. NSQualityOfServiceBackgroundMach层级优先级数是4;b. NSQualityOfServiceUtility的Mach层级优先级数是20;c. NSQualityOfServiceDefaultMach层级优先级数是31;d. NSQualityOfServiceUserInitiated的Mach层级优先级数是37;e. NSQualityOfServiceUserInteractive的Mach层级优先级是47。
  2. 内核线程的优先级是80~95;
  3. 实时系统线程的优先级是96~127;
  4. 64~79被保留给系统使用。

5. 总结

本文主要阐述了优先级反转的一些概念和解决思路,并结合iOS平台的几种锁进行了详细的调研。通过深入的理解,可以去规避一些不必要的优先级反转,从而进一步避免卡死异常。字节跳动 APM团队也针对线程的优先级做了监控处理,进而达到发现和预防优先级反转的目的。

6. 参考文档

  • WWDC18 What’ s New in LLVM – actorsfit
  • https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2015/718
  • https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/
  • https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/Multithreading/CreatingThreads/CreatingThreads.html
  • https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Performance/Conceptual/EnergyGuide-iOS/PrioritizeWorkWithQoS.html
  • https://github.com/llvm-mirror/clang/blob/google/stable/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/GCDAntipatternChecker.cpp
  • Don’t use dispatch semaphores where mutexes (or dispatch queues) would suffice
  • Concurrency Problems Written by Scott Grosch
  • https://www.sigusoft.com/p/af64e05de503
  • https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/7908799/xsh/pthread_rwlock_wrlock.html
  • iOS 中各种“锁”的理解及应用
  • 不再安全的 OSSpinLock
  • https://blog.actorsfit.com/a?ID=00001-499b1c8e-8a7f-4960-a1c1-c8e2f42c08c6
  • https://objccn.io/issue-2-1/#Priority-Inversion
  • Introduction to RTOS – Solution to Part 11 (Priority Inversion)
  • https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1229999590482444288.html#
  • 深入理解 iOS 中的锁
  • Threads can infect each other with their low priority

7. 关于我们

字节跳动 APM 中台致力于提升整个集团内全系产品的性能和稳定性表现,技术栈覆盖 iOS / Android / Server / Web / Hybrid / PC / 游戏 / 小程序等,工作内容包括但不限于性能稳定性监控,问题排查,深度优化,防劣化等。长期期望为业界输出更多更有建设性的问题发现和深度优化手段。


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