Rider激活2023.3.5(Comic for May 26, 2024: Raine Returns)

Rider激活2023.3.5(Comic for May 26, 2024: Raine Returns)

Flora: Euchre has a daughter?! And it’s Raine?! He never mentioned anything like that to me.

Flora: He was always just the nice old wolf from my farm. But that means…

Reni: This all sounds a little implausible… a human and keidran… And he can transform so perfectly they were able to conceive a child?

Reni: I’ve only ever known dragons to transform like that. I’ve never heard of a mortal with such abilities.

Red: I know it sounds crazy, but it’s the truth! At least… as far as I can remember what Raine told me. I’ve blown up more than once since then, so details might be a bit fuzzy.

Red: Look, the point is, Raine is good, okay? She’s been with us the whole time. She’s not one of those other wolves. Check my memories if you want! You can’t judge someone based on how they look!

Flora: Y…you’re saying that?


Raine’s Bathrobe: WAVE WAVE

Raine: Uh, h-hello, Miss… Reni… everyone… It’s me, Raine. Sorry…

Raine: Please don’t… blast me. I’m probably a lot more flammable in this form.

Rider激活2023.3.5 Rider激活2023.3.5


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