RubyMine激活2024.1.2(Jetbrains Rubymine 2024.1.2 Crack)

RubyMine激活2024.1.2(Jetbrains Rubymine 2024.1.2 Crack)

Just use one!
JetBrains RubyMine IDE includes a complete Ruby code editor aware of dynamic language details. Provides intelligent coding assistance, intelligent code refactoring and deep analysis capabilities code. With a simple project configuration, automatic management of Ruby Gems, Rake and integrated support consoles, has everything a developer needs a Ruby development environment.
JavaScript and HTML / CSS
Speed and efficiency are guaranteed to develop client – side and server – side JavaScript, CoffeeScript, typescript, HTML, CSS, Less or Sass, since RubyMine provides the best coding assistance and a wide range of advanced features . Node.js test frameworks, Dart, AngularJS and JavaScript are supported through free add- ons. Improve and streamline your debugging experience without leaving the IDE, thanks to the JavaScript debugging tools and Node.js.
Code analysis and refactoring
Let your IDE watch your code. Intelligent code completion code font recognition, intelligent code inspections, live templates and actions intended work together to help you encode faster and foolproof. Ruby refactor your code intelligently, with specific knowledge of the language, with Rename and Delete insurance, Extract Method, Variable Input, Variable online or Method, and refactorings.
Multiple integrated tools
Git, Subversion, Mercurial, Perforce and CVS: RubyMine knows the version control systems and the most common SCM and provides a unified interface for all user. Easily configure automatic deployment via FTP or SFTP, and manage your infrastructure with Vagrant, Capistrano, Chef and / or Puppet. Use database tools including a database editor with all functions and SQL support.
Ruby on Rails
RubyMine brings dedicated RoR features including views of the structure of the project, fast navigation options Model-View-Controller, code completion Rails specific actions of intent and automated refactorings. All this, plus the best support for the ERB, HAML and Slim edition, along with advanced web development tools and built – Rails console is the best recipe to produce cutting – edge web applications.
RubyMine brings all essential productivity enhancers for the world RubyMotion applications. Code Insight is available for Ruby, Java and Objective-C API, which makes the development of iOS, MacOS and Android with RubyMotion even more enjoyable. With a user interface and powerful debugging test, which runs on a simulator or a real device, it is much easier to adjust the application code. All commands and an interactive console Rake are available as well.
The value of the evidence must not be underestimated. Like writing code, unit tests become second nature thanks to the flexible, well – designed integration of RSpec, Cucumber, Shoulda, Test :: Unit MiniTest and RubyMine. Type tests quickly with intelligent completion and code navigation, and easily run the tests and analyze their results with a graphical user interface.
A powerful debugger
Adjust the application code is an essential step in every software project. RubyMine Ruby debugger inherits all the best proven IntelliJ debugger Java / JSP IDEA while focusing on the needs of the developers of Ruby and RubyMine激活2024.1.2 Rails. Allows breakpoints in Ruby, ERB and JavaScript code, and provides highly informative views as a console, variables, frames and clocks.
Compatibility: OS X 10.9 or later, 64-bit processor


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